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The GP EIR analyzed the comprehensive update of the Santa Ana General Plan (Approved Project). The <br />GP EIR addressed the entire territory within the plan area's boundary and the full spectrum of issues associated <br />with management of the plan area. The General Plan also included forecasts of long-term conditions and <br />outlined development goals and policies; exhibits and diagrams; and the objectives, principles, standards, and <br />plan proposals throughout its various elements. Specifically, the General Plan identified policies related to <br />promoting compatible land uses, preserving neighborhood character, promoting healthy neighborhoods, and <br />promoting the enforcement of standards. <br />1.3.1 Environmental Analysis Findings <br />The GP EIR addressed the potential impacts of the GP and provided mitigation measures, as necessary, for <br />impacts determined to be potentially significant. <br />Two environmental categories were found to have no impacts: <br />■ Agriculture and Forestry Resources <br />■ Wildfire <br />The following environmental categories were found to have less than significant impacts upon implementation <br />of General Plan policies, existing regulations, and standard conditions of approval: No CEQA mitigation was <br />required for: <br />■ Aesthetics <br />■ Energy <br />■ Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />■ Hydrology and Water Quality <br />■ Land Use and Planning <br />■ Mineral Resources <br />■ Public Services <br />■ Transportation <br />■ Utilities and Service Systems <br />The following impacts were determined to be less than significant upon implementation General Plan policies, <br />existing regulations, standard conditions of approval, and recommended CEQA Mitigation Measures: <br />■ Biological Resources <br />■ Geology and Soils <br />■ Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />■ Tribal Cultural Resources <br />Resolution No. 2024-072 <br />Page 12 of 67 <br />