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subject to the Williamson Act Contract. Furthermore, the city does not contain any land zoned for forestland, <br />timberland, or timberland zoned Timberland production. Therefore, the GP would have no impact on <br />agricultural and forest resources (GP EIR p. 8-1-8.2). <br />Analysis of the Modified Project <br />The Modified Project would expressly prohibit STRs and only affect existing structures. The Modified Project <br />would not require development, redevelopment, or changes to existing development types in the City. The <br />Modified Project is not anticipated to result in any physical impacts on the environment. Additionally, the <br />existing conditions for agriculture and forest resources have not changed since the certification of the GP EIR. <br />No impacts would occur. The Modified Project would not result in any new or more severe significant impacts <br />than those identified in the GP EIR. <br />4.3 AIR QUALITY <br />According to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, a project would normally have a significant effect on the <br />environment if the project would: <br />AQ-1 Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? <br />AQ-2 Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project <br />region is non -attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard? <br />AQ-3 Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? <br />AQ-4 Result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial <br />number of people? <br />Summary of Impacts in the GP EIR <br />As discussed in detail in Section 5.2, Air Quality, of the GP EIR, the Approved Project would exceed population <br />estimates used in the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP), and emissions associated with the additional <br />population were not included in the regional emissions inventory for the South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB). <br />Additionally, air pollutant emissions associated with the buildout of the Approved Project would cumulatively <br />contribute to the nonattaimnent designations in the SoCAB (GP EIR p. 5.2-30). The GP EIR identified <br />mitigation measures (1VIl12) AQ-1 and AQ-2 to reduce impacts related to construction and operational <br />emissions. The GP EIR determined that with the implementation of mitigation measures, impacts would <br />remain significant and unavoidable. <br />The Approved Project would result in construction emissions that would exceed South Coast Air Quality <br />Management District (AQMD) thresholds (GP EIR p. 5.2-31). The buildout of the Approved Project could <br />exceed the South Coast AQMD regional emissions threshold under operational conditions (GP EIR p. 5.2-34). <br />The GP EIR determined that with the implementation of MMs AQ-1 and AQ-2, impacts would remain <br />significant and unavoidable. <br />Resolution No. 2024-072 <br />Page 27 of 67 <br />