Certification and Resolution Declaring Election Results
<br />December 10, 2024
<br />Page 2
<br />Pursuant to Santa Ana Charter §1201, general municipal elections for the election of
<br />officers and for such other purposes as the City Council may prescribe shall be held on
<br />the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each even -numbered year. The
<br />purpose of the November 5, 2024 election was for the election of the Mayor, three (3)
<br />Councilmember seats, specifically Ward Nos. 1, 3, and 5, and four measures: Measures
<br />CC, DD, EE, and FF.
<br />A total of eight eligible candidates filed nomination papers for seats on the City Council:
<br />for the Mayoral seat, for a term of two years: two eligible candidates; for
<br />Councilmember, Ward 1, for a term of four years: two eligible candidates; for
<br />Councilmember, Ward 3, for a term of four years: two eligible candidates; and for
<br />Councilmember, Ward 5, for a term of four years, two eligible candidates.
<br />Elections Code §10262(b) requires the City Clerk, upon receipt of the results of the
<br />election from the Orange County Registrar of Voters, to certify the results to the
<br />governing body and pursuant to Elections Code §§10263 and 10264, the City Council
<br />must adopt a resolution reciting the facts of the election results. The Certificate of
<br />Registrar of Voters to the Result of the Canvass dated December 3, 2024, reflects the
<br />full, true, and correct Statement of Vote, consolidated with the General Election held on
<br />November 5, 2024 declaring elected to each office the candidates with the majority of
<br />votes, as well as the votes on the four measures.
<br />The Result of the Canvass of the General Election Returns is attached to the proposed
<br />resolution (Exhibit 1). By adopting the resolution, the City Council declares elected the
<br />following individuals:
<br />• Valerie Amezcua, Mayor
<br />• Thai Viet Phan, Councilmember, Ward 1
<br />• Jessie Lopez, Councilmember, Ward 3
<br />• Johnathan Ryan Hernandez, Councilmember, Ward 5
<br />Measure CC, considered and approved by the voters with 43,134 yes votes (57.63%), is
<br />an ordinance adopting Article XIX, Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction
<br />Ordinance, of Chapter 8, Buildings and Structures, of the Santa Ana Municipal Code.
<br />Pursuant to Elections Code §9217, the ordinance shall be considered as adopted upon
<br />the date that the vote is declared by the City Council and shall go into effect ten days
<br />after that date (December 20, 2024).
<br />Measure EE, considered and approved by the voters with 53,781 yes votes (73.83%),
<br />amends Sections 401.05 611, 702, 703, 1002, and 1103 of the City Charter to delete
<br />references to obsolete job titles and obsolete bonding requirements, specify that all
<br />department heads are at -will employees, address definitions of funds and levies for
<br />compliance with state law, authorize limited purchasing authority for the City Clerk and
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