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Street Outreach and Engagement Agreement with City Net <br />December 17, 2024 <br />Page 2 <br />objectively and fairly. Following this review process City Net had the highest scores in <br />all five (5) evaluation categories and the table below summarizes the results of the <br />evaluation, providing the average score and ranking for the proposals. <br />Proposal Submitted By <br />Average Score <br />City Net <br />110 <br />PATH <br />102 <br />Volunteers of America <br />99 <br />City staff reviewed the current SMART program, analyzed outreach data from the past <br />two years, assessed proposals, and considered new guidance from the U.S. Supreme <br />Court's ruling in the Grants Pass case, which underscores the importance of outreach <br />services. The proposed 2025 Street Outreach Program integrates all of these factors <br />into a recommendation to contract with the highest -scoring organization to deliver a <br />street outreach program. <br />The City's current contract with City Net provides a trauma informed, non -law <br />enforcement, homeless outreach and engagement resource, known as SMART (Santa <br />Ana's Multi -Disciplinary Homeless Response Team). City Net responds to reports of <br />non -criminal homeless -related activity identified through the MySantaAna app, the <br />community call line, priority calls from City staff, and transfers from SAPID dispatch. <br />Case Managers additionally provide in -reach services in the City jail and provide case <br />management services for individuals on the streets enrolled in their program. Outreach <br />workers transport individuals to shelters, treatment facilities, appointments, and services <br />to help with documents. Housing Navigators assist in matching clients to housing units. <br />The last contract approved by the City Council was on December 19, 2023, in the <br />amount of $3,841,845. <br />City Net has been very accommodating to the City's requests to add programming, such <br />as conducting a local and updated Point -in -Time Count in October 2024 specifically for <br />the city. This count was completed within the budget provided for the current contract's <br />financial agreement. <br />Several of the outreach reports involve individuals with high needs who frequently resist <br />services, making them some of the most challenging cases. This issue can be mitigated <br />through increased and/or sustained intervention, even after shelter placement, by <br />closely partnering and collaborating with staff from the Carnegie Navigation Center (City <br />Shelter). City Net will now implement a 'Shelter Retention and Re -Engagement Initiative' <br />in conjunction with the City Shelter to engage with clients who have exited. This <br />initiative aims to thoroughly assess the reasons for their exit and explore ways to re- <br />engage them with the system or alternative support options. <br />City Net will respond to reports for street outreach, maintain case management services <br />for the hundreds of individuals they currently have established relationships with, and <br />staff a dispatch operation that reduces impact on emergency police and fire services. <br />The program hours will be 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, with a total of ten teams in the field, <br />