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(9)CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />A general description of the firm, including size and number of employees <br />working directly with the City on this agreement. <br />Firm's nearest address serving the City of Santa Ana and headquarters <br />address. <br />iii. Name and contact information of the supervising Project Manager/Principal <br />Agent, to be assigned to the agreement. The Project Manager/Principal <br />Agent shall be the primary contact person to represent your firm and will be <br />the person to conduct the presentation, if invited to an interview. <br />iv. Describe the qualifications of the firm, key staff, and sub -contractors <br />performing projects within the past five (5) years that are similar in size and <br />scope to demonstrate competence to perform these services. <br />V. List all business names to which Proposer provides ambulance & paramedic <br />billing and collection services for EMS Services in the County of Orange. <br />vi. Provide a list of current and previous contracts awarded to Proposer for the <br />provision of similar services to the requirements for the City of Santa Ana. <br />Include all public agencies served. For each, provide a brief description of <br />the SOS, length of time Proposer has been providing services, and name, <br />title and telephone number of the person who may be contacted regarding <br />the firm's service record. <br />vii. Provide information regarding their organization's experience with ePCR <br />software, specifically ImageTrend, including a complete list of their <br />customers utilizing ePCRs and the name and contact information of the <br />software companies utilized. <br />viii. Include a complete package describing billing and collections, follow-up, <br />account posting, and accounts receivable reconciliation and reporting <br />services. <br />ix. Provide copies of Proposer's ethical standards, confidentiality policies, <br />managerial philosophy, customer service standards and standards of service <br />quality. State manner in which Proposer ensures these standards will be <br />evaluated and maintained. The materials may include, but are not limited to: <br />a. Membership in and/or good standing with an organization that is <br />devoted to ensuring high standards of customer service and <br />consumer protection, such as the Better Business Bureau. <br />b. Membership in and/or good standing with a professional organization <br />devoted to encouraging and maintaining ethical or service standards. <br />c. Evidence of training and education in customer service, maintaining <br />quality standards and/or maintaining quality standards received by <br />the firm, its employees and its subcontractors. <br />d. Letters of recommendation from customers and contracting agencies. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP No. 24-104 Page 7 of 35 <br />