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Item 27 - Resolution and Agreement for the CALTRANS Intercity Rail Capital Program
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 27 - Resolution and Agreement for the CALTRANS Intercity Rail Capital Program
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12/12/2024 11:50:03 AM
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12/11/2024 9:44:05 AM
City Clerk
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Agency Name <br />Master Agreement No. 64SantaAnaMA <br />designed to alert the public to the availability of the State -funded bus service (for <br />the purpose of this paragraph, "State -funded bus service" means any bus service <br />funded pursuant to Public Utilities Code section 99316). <br />G. Disputes <br />Parties shall develop a mutually agreed upon issue resolution process, as described <br />below, and issues between the Parties are to be resolved in a timely manner. The <br />Parties agree to the following: <br />1. If the Parties are unable to reach agreement on any particular issue relating <br />to either Parties' obligations pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties agree to <br />promptly follow the issue resolution process as outlined below: <br />a. The Department's project manager and the Recipient's equivalent <br />may initiate the process of informal dispute resolution by providing the other Party <br />with written notice of a dispute. The written notice shall provide a clear statement <br />of the dispute and shall refer to the specific provisions of this Agreement or <br />Program Supplement that pertain to the dispute. The Department's project <br />manager and the Recipient's equivalent shall meet and attempt to resolve the <br />dispute within five days from the written notice. If the dispute is resolved, the <br />Parties shall create and sign a short description of the facts and the resolution that <br />was agreed upon by the Parties. <br />b. If the dispute is not resolved by the fifth day from the written notice, <br />the Department's senior project manager and the Recipient's equivalent shall <br />meet and review the dispute within five days. The Department's senior project <br />manager and the Recipient's equivalent manager shall attempt to resolve the <br />dispute within ten days of their initial meeting. If the dispute is resolved, the Parties <br />shall create and sign a short description of the facts and the resolution that was <br />agreed upon by the Parties. <br />C. If the dispute is not resolved by the tenth day, the Department's <br />Director or his designee and the Recipient's equivalent manager shall meet and <br />review the dispute within five days. The Department's Director or his designee and <br />the Recipient's equivalent manager shall attempt to resolve the dispute within ten <br />days of the initial meeting. If the dispute is resolved, the Parties shall create and <br />sign a short description of the facts and the resolution that was agreed upon by <br />the Parties. If the dispute is not resolved by the tenth day by the Department's <br />Director or his designee and the Recipient's equivalent manager, the Parties shall <br />submit the matter to the Secretary of CaISTA for a final administrative <br />determination. <br />Revised as of 9/12/2024 Page 21 <br />
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