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Ordinance to Revise Local AB 2011 Implementing Ordinance <br />December 17, 2024 <br />Page 4 <br />Exemption — AB 2011 (100-Percent Affordable) <br />AB 2011 grants a local government authority to exempt a parcel from streamlined <br />approval permissible under the bill before a developer submits a 100-percent affordable <br />(Affordable Projects) development application on the parcel if: (1) the local government <br />identifies one or more alternative sites for residential development that meet certain <br />environmental criteria; (2) the local government has permitted the alternative parcels not <br />otherwise eligible for development pursuant to AB 2011 to be developed pursuant to AB <br />2011 streamlining, and that the alternative parcels are suitable for residential <br />development as defined in State housing element law; (3) the local government has <br />permitted the alternative parcels that are subject to AB 2011 streamlining to be developed <br />at densities above the residential density required in subdivision (b) of Section 65912.113 <br />(100-percent affordable) of the Government Code; (4) the alternative development would <br />result in no net loss of the total potential residential density in the jurisdiction; (5) the <br />alternative development would result in no net loss of the potential residential density of <br />housing affordable to lower income households in the jurisdiction; and (6) the alternative <br />development would affirmatively further fair housing. <br />Staff has reviewed the adopted 100-percent affordable exempt parcels list in the <br />Ordinances and has identified sites to remove from the exempt parcels list and sites to <br />include on the exempt parcels list, which would be eligible for streamlining pursuant to <br />AB 2011 as amended by AB 2243 if not added to the exempt parcels list as proposed. In <br />total, the revised exempt parcels listed in Attachment 1 to the ordinance equals to <br />approximately 380 acres of land and can yield up to 10,932 affordable units based on the <br />AB 2011 prescribed density. In order to exempt these parcels, their lost development <br />capacity must be accommodated elsewhere in the City and result in no net loss of the <br />total residential capacities in the jurisdiction as prescribed by AB 2011. <br />The alternative parcels, which are comprised of alternative and previously up -zoned sites, <br />identified in Attachment 3 to the ordinance can yield a total surplus capacity of 21,290 <br />units above the AB 2011 base density. Accordingly, the surplus capacity of 21,290 units <br />allowed in the alternative parcels can accommodate the lost residential density of 10,932 <br />units from the exempted parcels listed in Attachment 1, with a net surplus capacity buffer <br />of 10,358 to spare. The analysis demonstrating that the alternative parcels comply with <br />all environmental criteria, suitability for residential development as defined in State <br />housing element law, no net loss calculations, no net loss of potential residential density <br />of housing affordable to lower income households in the jurisdiction, and that the <br />alternative parcels affirmatively further fair housing can be found in Attachment 3 of the <br />ordinance. <br />Exemption — AB 2011 (Mixed -Income) <br />Separately, AB 2011 permits a local government to exempt a parcel from these types of <br />streamlined approval before a developer submits a mixed -income development <br />application on the parcel if: (1) the local government identifies one or more alternative <br />