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CNA <br />. lill. ■.1i111 .. Iilllil. alilll ■L ■. 111lIi111O <br />■■■E■.III ■1111111111111. ■.■.111111■■■■11■. <br />■ ■■ ■11111..'III ■ ■ ■..III.. midooloomisil <br />This endorsement modillbs insurance prodded under the ®Ilollirl <br />COMMDRCIDL DDDDRDL LIDDILITY CODDROD❑ PORT <br />It is understood and aDeed as ®Ilolls❑ <br />- R- DTs amended to include as an ---r-d any person or orldniEbtion Dhom you are reouired <br />r r to add as an additional insured on this _r__--1 EFUt only Dith respect to liaEJlity Ebr <br />d :: r E r r d : -- -or -r---­ d d _r E--r-caused in []hole or in part Dy your acts or <br />omissionscor the acts or omissions oQhose acting on your Dehal® <br />in the performance oDyour onDoinDoperations suorect to such r­- 11-LIDor <br />in the pernrmance oOmCr'-Er-sunect to such -ri r__ nLut only Dith respect to :]Ed Er -or <br />r r d included in the-r-d7E=-] d r- z-:-rdUand only i® <br />1 the r r- seLUires you to prodde the additional insured such coEeraLiaLland <br />2_ this r r :prolldes such co[-braEiB❑ <br />Dutiflhe _ir- - -- r - reDiires❑ <br />--additional insured coEbraoe under the 11=edition010EE3 editionCor 10101 edition oDCO2010Dor under the <br />10E01 edition oUCO2037Dor <br />additional insured coLeraue Dith ®risinDout o®IanDuaUaDor <br />-additional insured coCeraCe to the neatest eCtent permissiDe Dy laD❑ <br />then paragraph -amp is deleted in its entirety and replaced Der the felloOirl <br />- R-D is amended to include as an _r_d any person or orCanilation Dhom you are reg]aired <br />Ly r _ r -to add as an additional insured on this r - T DLut only Dith respect to liaLJlity [or <br />d -r L r r _d or r _d:-d- r __-_r-arisinDout oDLL'Lr- Cr-that is suDfact to <br />such -r : - - r ❑ <br />Su0@Ct aloays to the terms and conditions oCthis policy Gncludin0the limits oDnsuranceEthe Insurer Dill not <br />proDde such additional insured Dith❑ <br />�Uco�raDe Droaderthan reLuired Dy the -r:___c_'5.r_. ­Lor <br />-: a hillier limit onnsurance than reDuired Dy the -r--- r <br />-:The insurance canted [)(this endorsement to the additional insured does not apply to F^A-➢ILrr=Lr00Lr <br />d__--LLbr r LL--d d-r _ i _rLarisinDoutoFfn <br />the renderinDoMbr the [-allure to renderLany professional architecturalDenDneerinDDx surEbyinDserdces❑ <br />includin00 <br />1 TF the preparinUlapprodn00or failinDto prepare or approEb mapsCshop draDinDsmpinionsDeports❑ <br />surEbys❑ Geld orders ldhanEL- orders or draDinEr and specikationsDand <br />2- superdsoryCinspectionDarchitectural or enDneerinDactiDtiesnor <br />--any premises or DorDler ❑hich the additional insured is specifically listed as an additional insured on another <br />endorsement attached to this--_s_-- r7[i <br />Dnder C:!MM-R---- -R- -- _- -iDii= -theLondition entitled - _r --r-L-is amended <br />to add the lbIloDinCLLOhich supersedes any prodsion to the contrary in this Condition or elseohere in this <br />-CrT] <br />REVIEWED&APPRDVm By: <br />DD <br />Pa De 1 oE2 Risk Management Sped is[ <br />The Continental Casualty Insurance Company <br />Insured DameMiscoF]Bry Science Center ODOran[:e County <br />Copyri_ht C-__ II Ri Ants Reser Ed -Includes copyriJrted material o-Insurance Set Ices Olm-Inc An its permission- <br />