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0 CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />provide an opportunity for Proposers to correct minor and immaterial errors contained in <br />their submissions. The decision as to what constitutes a minor irregularity shall be made <br />solely at the discretion of the City. <br />B. The City reserves the right to award an agreement to a single Proposer or multiple <br />Proposers. <br />C. The City has the right to decline to award an agreement or any part thereof for any <br />reason. <br />D. City Council approval to award an Agreement pursuant to this RFP will be required. <br />E. Any agreement must be negotiated, finalized, and approved by the recommend <br />Contractor prior to City Council approval. <br />F. RFP specifications, terms, conditions, and Exhibits, RFP Addenda, and Proposals, may <br />be incorporated into and made a part of any agreement that may be awarded as a result <br />of this RFP. <br />Vill. INVOICING FOR TRAINING COURSES <br />A. Proposer shall invoice the City, unless otherwise advised, upon satisfactory receipt of <br />performance of services. <br />B. City will use best efforts to make payments within thirty (30) days following receipt and <br />review of invoice and upon complete satisfactory receipt of performance of services. <br />C. Invoices shall be emailed to: <br />Sgt. Ricardo Diaz <br />Santa Ana Police Department <br />Email: RDiaz(cDsanta-ana.oro <br />D. City shall notify Proposer of any adjustments required to invoices. <br />E. Invoices shall include, at minimum: <br />i. City PO Number (If applicable) <br />ii. Invoice number <br />iii. Agreement number <br />iv. Remit to address <br />v. Itemized services <br />vi. Course description <br />vii. Pricing as per agreement <br />viii. Instructor name <br />ix. Number of participants <br />x. Course date(s), and <br />xi. Shall be accompanied by acceptable proof of delivery <br />F. Proposer shall utilize standardized invoices upon request. <br />RFP 23-189A City of Santa Ana Page 24 of 47 <br />