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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />RFP NO.: 24-028 <br />CONFINED SPACE RESCUE SERVICES AND SAFETY TRAINING <br />days. <br />3. RESCUE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT <br />The Consultant shall be responsible for providing all of the necessary rescue support <br />equipment such as self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBA's), floatable rescue <br />stretcher/lifter, multi -gas meter, two sources of waterproof lighting, at least 300 feet of <br />rescue line, cell phones for contacting emergency medical services (EMS), radios <br />and/or air horn, waders and/or hip boots, floatation vests, hard hats, personal <br />protective equipment, davit and/or retrieval equipment, and first aid kit, etc. Additional <br />equipment may be needed depending on the worksite. <br />In addition, the Consultant shall develop plans for rigging activities and rope support <br />specific to ascending and descending elevated water towers above 100 feet. The <br />Safety Consultant shall provide rope support and safety consulting services with <br />detailed inspection prior and during rigging activities. The Consultant shall also be <br />able to provide/procure City personnel with rope/harness and rigging equipment that <br />meets or exceeds applicable safety standards upon request by the City. <br />In the event equipment no longer meets safety standards required by applicable <br />codes, the Consultant shall recommend approved resources to replace safety <br />equipment. In addition, if the City desires additional miscellaneous protective safety <br />equipment outside of the scope of services, the Consultant shall be able to procure <br />and train City employees on aforementioned miscellaneous equipment. <br />4. SAFETY TRAINING SERVICES <br />The Consultant shall provide rescue training services; this includes developing and <br />delivering training and expertise to identify workplace hazards and controls as well as <br />and assisting workers in gaining a greater understanding of safety awareness. Upon <br />request by the City, the Consultant may be tasked with conducting safety inspections <br />and investigations, assisting with developing training to contribute to the knowledge and <br />skills required for workers to perform their work safely, and teaching employees <br />awareness/understanding of workplace hazards including how to identify, report, and <br />control the hazards. <br />Annually and upon request, the City shall request the following training classes from the <br />Consultant: <br />1. Fit Testing per City employee (including medical evaluation questionnaires) <br />2. SCBA and SKA-PAK Breathing Air Training <br />3. 40-hour Confined Space Rescue Service <br />4. 8-hour Cal -OSHA Confined Space Entry Course <br />8. Lift Station Air Quality Equipment Inspection Services <br />6. Elevated Tank Fall Protection and Retrieval Training <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 24-028 <br />Confined Space Rescue Services and Safety Training <br />Page 16 <br />