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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 25-6029 <br />SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT FY 24/25 <br />FLEET COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION <br />Bidder hereby acknowledges that they have reviewed the California Air Resources Board's <br />policies, rules and regulations and are familiar with the requirements of Title 13, California Code <br />of Regulations, Division 3, Chapter 9, effective on January 1, 2024 (the "Regulation"). Bidder <br />hereby certifies, subject to penalty for perjury, that the option checked below relating to the <br />Bidder's fleet, and/or that of their subcontractor(s) ("Fleet") is true and correct: <br />The Fleet is subject to the requirements of the Regulation, and the appropriate Certificate(s) of <br />Reported Compliance have been attached hereto. <br />The Fleet is exempt from the Regulation under section 2449. 1 (f)(2), and a signed description of <br />the subject vehicles, and reasoning for exemption has been attached hereto. <br />Bidder and/or their subcontractor is unable to procure R99 or R100 renewable diesel fuel as <br />defined in the Regulation pursuant to section 2449.1(f)(3). Bidder shall keep detailed records <br />describing the normal refueling methods, their attempts to procure renewable diesel fuel and proof <br />that shows they were not able to procure renewable diesel (i.e. third party correspondence or <br />vendor bids). <br />The Fleet is exempt from the requirements of the Regulation pursuant to section 2449(i)(4) because <br />this Project has been deemed an Emergency, as defined under section 2449(c)(18). Bidder shall <br />only operate the exempted vehicles in the emergency situation and records of the exempted <br />vehicles must be maintained, pursuant to section 2449(i)(4). <br />The Fleet does not fall under the Regulation or are otherwise exempted and a detailed reasoning <br />is attached hereto. <br />Name of Bidder: Aguilar & Calderon Corp. <br />Signature <br />Name: Marlon Calderon <br />Title: President <br />Date: 10-24-24 <br />P-16 of P-18 <br />