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CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP) is an independent network member of CLA Global. See  <br /> <br />CliftonLarsonAllen LLP  <br />  <br />(1) <br />INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS’ REPORT <br />ON APPLYING AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES <br />Honorable City Council <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Santa Ana, California <br />We have performed the procedures enumerated below on the accompanying Appropriations Limit <br />Worksheet No. 6 of the City of Santa Ana, California, (the City) for the year ended June 30, 2024. The <br />City’s management is responsible for the Appropriations Limit Worksheet No. 6. <br />The City and the League of California Cities (as presented in the League publication entitled <br />Article XIII-B Appropriations Limit Uniform Guidelines) have agreed to and acknowledged that the <br />procedures performed are appropriate to meet the intended purpose of meeting the requirements of <br />Section 1.5 of Article XIII-B of the California Constitution. This report may not be suitable for any other <br />purpose. The procedures performed may not address all the items of interest to a user of this report <br />and may not meet the needs of all users of this report and, as such, users are responsible for <br />determining whether the procedures performed are appropriate for their purposes. <br />The procedures and the associated findings are as follows: <br />1. We obtained the completed Appropriations Limit Worksheet No. 6 for the year ended June 30, <br />2024 and compared the limit and annual adjustment factors included in that worksheet to the <br />limit and annual adjustment factors that were adopted by resolution of the City Council. We also <br />compared the population and inflation options included in the aforementioned worksheet to <br />those that were selected by a recorded vote of the City Council. <br />No exceptions were noted as a result of our performing this procedure. <br />2. For the Appropriations Limit Worksheet No. 6, we added last year’s limit to the total <br />adjustments, and compared the resulting amount to this year’s limit. We also recalculated the <br />adjustment factor and the adjustment for inflation and population and compared the results to <br />the amounts on Appropriations Limit Worksheet No. 6. <br />No exceptions were noted as a result of our performing this procedure. <br />3. We compared the prior year appropriations limit presented in the accompanying Appropriations <br />Limit Worksheet No. 6 to the prior year appropriations limit adopted by the City Council for the <br />prior year. <br />No exceptions were noted as a result of our performing this procedure.