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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF MEASURE X REVENUES AND USES/EXPENDITURES <br />JUNE 30, 2024 <br />(3) <br />NOTE 1 REVENUES AND USES/EXPENDITURES <br />Measure X revenues consist of the 1.5 cent transactions and use tax approved by the <br />voters of Santa Ana on November 6, 2018 and became effective April 1, 2019. Total <br />revenue collected for fiscal year 2023-2024 was $83,602,680. <br />Measure X is a general-purpose tax, which means the revenues received from the tax go <br />into the City’s General Fund to maintain or enhance any lawful City program, improvement, <br />or service such as maintain effective 9-1-1 response, retaining firefighters, addressing <br />homelessness, fixing streets, maintaining parks, youth services; and other unrestricted <br />general revenue purposes. <br />To determine some of the Measure X expenditures, the City performs an analysis <br />comparing expenditures between the current year and the base year. The base year has <br />been identified as fiscal year 2018-19, representing the year of Measure X’s passage. <br />When completing the analysis, the City determines; (1) the amount of the increase of <br />expenditures when compared to the base year, (2) significant contractual increases, and <br />(3) increase in expenditures between cost centers or programs. Some Measure X <br />expenditures are based entirely on vendor invoices. The accompanying Schedule of <br />Measure X Revenues and Uses/Expenditures is summarized by ballot category. <br />Total Measure X uses/expenditures for fiscal year 2023-2024 were $83,602,680, including <br />amounts carried forward to fiscal year 2024-2025. The largest program expense was other <br />unrestricted general revenue purposes totaling $27,107,264, which included the following: <br />Addressing prior year deficits and employee compensation increases for non- <br />Safety employees totaling $11.7 million <br />o $10.2 million - deficit <br />o $1.5 million - planned savings <br />Future Pension Stabilization - $7.2 million <br />Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center Subsidy and Maintenance - $1.1 million <br />Increase the City Events Budget - $0.6 million <br />Graffiti Abatement Service Enhancement (Graffiti Removal) - $0.8 million <br />New Debt Payments for Purchase of Streetlights - $0.8 million <br />Support for Utility Billing, Business Retention and HR – Administrative - $0.9 million <br />Sales Tax Rebate - Volvo & Tac Energy - $0.6 million <br />Street Tree Maintenance (Tree-Trimming) - $0.6 million <br />Vehicle Incentive Program - $0.8 million <br />Engineering Salaries for Review of Plan Checks and Permits - $0.6 million <br />Other Programs (various) - $1.6 million