Ordinance Prohibiting Agreements, Contracts, or Grants to Immediate Family Members
<br />of City Officials
<br />February 4, 2025
<br />Page 2
<br />4
<br />8
<br />2
<br />3
<br />
<br />1.Description of Immediate Family Member: The ordinance provides an
<br />extensive list of relationships, including but not limited to spouses, domestic
<br />partners, parents, children, grandparents, siblings, and in-laws.
<br />2.Description of Financial Benefit or Interest: The ordinance describes direct or
<br />indirect financial interest to include commissions, fees, share of proceeds,
<br />prospect of a promotion or future employment, a profit, or any other form of
<br />financial award.
<br />
<br />3.Incorporation of Non-Collusion Provisions: All city agreements, contracts,
<br />and grants must include a non-collusion clause requiring compliance with Section
<br />2-112. This applies to the primary vendor, contractor, grantee, and
<br />subcontractors. The clause will incorporate the following language, to ensure
<br />compliance with Section 2-112:
<br />•No immediate family members of either the Mayor, City Council Member,
<br />or any appointed City Official, including appointed board and commission
<br />members, as defined under the City’s Municipal Code, whose position with
<br />the City shall award or influence the award of this (Contract, Agreement,
<br />or Grant), or any competing Contract or amendment thereof, shall be
<br />employed in any capacity by the Contractor or have any other direct or
<br />indirect financial benefit or interest in this (Contract, Agreement, or
<br />Grant).
<br />•The Contractor must comply with all conflict of interest laws, ordinances,
<br />and regulations now in effect or hereafter to be enacted during the term of
<br />this (Contract, Agreement, or Grant). The Contractor warrants that it is not
<br />now aware of any facts which conflict with the prohibitions defined above.
<br />If the Contractor hereafter becomes aware of any facts that might
<br />reasonably be expected to create a conflict of interest, it must immediately
<br />make full written disclosure of such facts to the City. Full written disclosure
<br />must include, but is not limited to, identification of all persons implicated
<br />and a complete description of all relevant circumstances. Failure to
<br />comply with the provisions of this paragraph will be a material breach of
<br />this Contract.
<br />•Contractor covenants that none of its directors, officers, employees, or
<br />agents shall participate in selecting or administrating any subcontract
<br />supported (in whole or in part) by City funds stemming from the (Contract,
<br />Agreement, or Grant) where the awarding of the subcontract has any
<br />direct or indirect financial benefit or interest to an immediate family
<br />member of either the Mayor, City Council Member, or any appointed City
<br />Official, including appointed board and commission members, as defined
<br />under the City’s Municipal Code.