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<br />Alcala, Abigail <br />From:Jon X <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, PM <br />To:eComment <br />Cc:Amezcua, Valerie; Bacerra, Phil; Phan, Thai; Penaloza, David; Lopez, Jessie; Hernandez, <br />Johnathan; Vazquez, Benjamin <br />Subject:Agenda Item 21: Sanctuary Policy Advisory Group <br /> Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br /> <br /> <br />Dear Mayor Amezcua and City Councilmembers, <br /> <br />My name is Jonathan Morales, and I feel like Santa Ana should keep protecting immigrants because it benefits everyone. <br />I’m referring to the amount of money immigrants bring into the economy daily. They’re a big part of society, and if <br />historically correct Mexicans didn’t cross the boarder the boarder crossed them. <br /> <br />I am writing to express my strong support for moving forward with Agenda Item 21 and bringing back the Sanctuary <br />Policy Advisory Group, a community oversight mechanism written within the ordinance to facilitate trust and <br />transparency between the City of Santa Ana and its immigrant residents. <br /> <br />In January 2017, the Council passed a robust Ordinance with language stating that they would establish a task force <br />made up of community members to advise the City Council on policies related to the ordinance, including helping craft <br />policies to protect immigrants as well as recommend ways to use and oversee a city fund to help immigrants fight <br />deportation in court. This advisory group has not met for some time and with so much uncertainty, now is the time for <br />the City of Santa Ana to reaffirm its support for the immigrant community and revive the Sanctuary Policy Advisory <br />Group to help facilitate trust and transparency between the City of Santa Ana and its immigrant residents. <br /> <br />Santa Ana’s status as a sanctuary city builds on years of community-based struggles fighting for the political, economic, <br />and human rights of our vibrant immigrant communities. I stand firm with Councilwoman Lopez's request for the <br />advisory group to reconvene within 30 days to provide updates to the city and recommendations on ways they can <br />better protect residents. <br /> <br />I look forward to seeing the re-implementation of the Sanctuary Ordinance & Advisory Board and the role it will take to <br />protect immigrant’s rights in Santa Ana. <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Jonathan Morales <br />Santa Ana <br />1 <br />