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Page 1 of 8 <br />BYLAWS <br />SANTA ANA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD <br />Article I. Creation of the Workforce Development Board <br />The Governor of the State of California, pursuant to the Workforce Innovation <br />and Opportunity Act of 2014, hereinafter called the ACT or WIOA, Public Law <br />H.R. 803, has designated the City of Santa Ana as a local Workforce <br />Development Area for the operation of comprehensive workforce <br />development system activities, and provides funding thereto. <br />The federal and state rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the Act <br />require the establishment by the chief elected official, and certification by the <br />Governor, of a local Workforce Development Board, to set policy for that <br />portion of the statewide workforce development system within the local <br />workforce development area, the City of Santa Ana (Workforce Development <br />System). Having been duly established by Resolution No. 2016-031 and <br />certified by the Governor, the Santa Ana Workforce Development Board, <br />hereinafter known as the “WDB” or “Board”, does hereby establish and <br />ordain these Bylaws, for the purpose of providing operational authority for <br />the WDB. <br />Article II. Purpose <br />Section l. The functions of the WDB shall be performed in partnership with <br />the Santa Ana Mayor and City Council for providing planning and oversight <br />for the comprehensive workforce development programs throughout the <br />local Workforce Development Area. The WDB shall act as the strategic <br />convener to promote, broker, actively participate in and lead efforts to <br />engage a diverse range of employers, businesses, labor, educators, <br />community organizations and local officials, and advance and improve <br />support for the utilization of the local workforce system and to ensure that <br />the workforce activities meet the needs of employers and employees that will <br />promote economic growth in the area in accordance with the Act, Section <br />107(d)(4). <br />Section 2. The purpose of the WDB shall also be to oversee a local <br />cooperative relationship with the City that will most effectively satisfy the <br />labor demand needs of the business community and enhance the economic <br />well-being of individuals in need of workforce services. <br />Section 3 Serve as the community voice by advocating for the importance <br />of workforce policy, and providing perspective about the need for, and <br />availability of skilled workers. <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />  <br />  <br />City Council 8 – 3 2/18/2025