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Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br /> Section 2. The Chairperson shall appoint all standing committee <br />chairpersons, subject to ratification by the WDB or the Chairperson may be <br />elected by the committee. The Chairperson, in concert with the Executive <br />Committee, shall appoint all members to standing committees. <br /> <br /> Section 3. The Chairperson shall set the agenda for WDB meetings, preside <br />at all meetings of the WDB and in general perform all duties incident to the <br />office as directed by the WDB. <br /> <br /> In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary- <br />Treasurer or designee shall open the meeting and call for nominations of a <br />Chairperson for that specific meeting. <br /> <br />Article VI. Executive Committee <br /> <br /> Section l. There shall be an Executive Committee comprised of the <br />Chairperson; Vice-Chairperson, the immediate past-Chairperson, if a current <br />WDB member; and the Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons of both the <br />standing and ad hoc committees as specified in Article VII. The Secretary/ <br />Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Executive <br />Committee. <br /> <br /> Section 2. The Chairperson of the WDB shall serve as the Chairperson of <br />the Executive Committee. <br /> <br /> Section 3. The Executive Committee shall meet as deemed necessary by <br />the Chairperson and the WDB. <br /> <br /> Section 4. The purpose of the Executive Committee shall be to: <br /> <br />a) Provide recommendations regarding regular agenda items of the WDB <br /> as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee or WDB; <br /> <br />b) consult with WDB support staff; <br /> <br />c) formulate policy recommendations concerning all aspects of the Board's <br />responsibilities and the Workforce Development System’s operation for <br />consideration and action by the WDB; maintain the Bylaws and <br />develop/submit necessary modifications of the Bylaws to the WDB for <br />approval; and, <br /> <br />d) complete activities contained in the WDB local Plan and act as a <br />clearinghouse for all of the committees of the WDB by reviewing and <br />making recommendations on all items to be presented to the full WDB; <br />develop a communication plan to provide continuous communication <br />with local, state and federal elected officials and the press to promote <br />successes and encourage WDB members to communicate regularly with <br />local elected officials. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />  <br />  <br />City Council 8 – 14 2/18/2025