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About LAZ Parking <br />A genera! description of the firm, including size and number of ernplovees smorking direetlu ivith the City on this agreement. <br />LAZ Parking is the largest and fastest -growing privately - <br />owned parking operator in the United States and a <br />pioneer in digital parking technology. Founded in <br />Hartford, CT, in 1981, with four decades of experience <br />providing best -in -class parking management and <br />transportation services, LAZ operates over 1.3 million <br />parking spaces across the country across 3,500+ <br />locations, 40 states and 450+ cities. LAZ Parking is an <br />Accredited Parking Organization (APO) and nationally <br />recognized for its best practices in responsible parking <br />management, operational excellence, customer experience, <br />sustainability, safety, and security. <br />Our portfolio includes major on -street and off-street municipal parking, mass transit parking systems, <br />entertainnienUevent parking, commercial, residential buildings, hotels and resorts, office buildings, mixed -use <br />projects, hospitals and medical complexes, airports, university parking, shuttle services and valet -oriented parking. <br />For more information, visit LAZ Parking has been a leading parking provider of parking <br />enforcement and related services since 1981, With over 40 years of industry experience, we understand the <br />complexity of parking enforcement services. We provide parking enforcement and parking management services <br />for over 100+ municipal and government agencies and have led the success of high-performance citizen -centric