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Item 09 - Contract Parking Enforcement Services with LAZ Parking California LLC
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 09 - Contract Parking Enforcement Services with LAZ Parking California LLC
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2/26/2025 11:53:29 AM
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2/26/2025 9:38:45 AM
City Clerk
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5C666F1F-E77F-43CE-8AE0-2CDA4FE129A8 <br />LAZ BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DASHBOARD <br />As part of our proposed innovation strategy, we will work with the <br />Santa Ana Police Department to launch and deploy our proprietary <br />data visualization tool LAZ Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard for <br />this contract. We will work closely with the SAPD management team <br />to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that could integrated <br />and compiled into a consolidated report including data points related to <br />employee productivity, citation accuracy, parking space occupancy and <br />parking space demand and utilization by day and week over week. <br />Instead of the pulling separate reports from various technology <br />platforms such as data ticket, IPS, permitting system etc., LAZ BI <br />dashboard could be integrated with all technology platforms currently <br />in use in Santa Ana and serve as a "one -stop -shop" data visualization <br />tool for SAPD management to review program performance. <br />LAZ BI dashboard takes the guesswork out of parking management by <br />turning mountains of disconnected raw data into actionable business <br />insights. Built in-house on the Microsoft Power BI enterprise platform <br />by our data analytics team, LAZ BI maximizes the value of your data <br />to make decisions smarter and faster. We offer our basic solution to the <br />City of Santa Ana free of charge, and can expand on this, if desired and <br />as negotiated with the City post contract award. <br />This infinitely customizable solution provides a single view of the <br />most critical data points that drive a parking business. As mentioned <br />above, by creating KPIs, users can monitor areas of operation as a <br />group or as a single entity in real time, and drill down from high-level <br />to granular views. We provide the capability to dissect the data down <br />to individual events or even export the data. As a result, strategic, data - <br />driven decisions can be made with regard to how to best manage <br />operations and drive revenues to the bottom line. <br />With LAZ BI, you'll have the <br />power of knowing what's driving <br />your business, right at your <br />fingertips. <br />We offer our base solution to the <br />City of Strata Ana at no upfront <br />cost and can expand on this <br />offering to build a custom solution <br />in the future. <br />LAZ. Parking has not included the cost of these innovations in our cost structure as the RFP did not specify <br />additional technology that would add to the hourly cost. Should the City consider these technologies, we will <br />provide costs and additional information upon request. <br />4ACCREDITED j Parkbig Control Enforcement Services <br />ARKIANG CITY OF SANLA ANATTON', CAI (UP NO. 23-0361 MARCH 23.2023 Proposed Work Plan 20 <br />ORG
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