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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5C666F1F-E77F-43CE-8AE0-2CDA4FE129AB <br />LAZ Parking's Commitment to Supporting Santa Ana -based Businesses. We will continue to make every <br />effort to purchase equipment and materials from local vendors and utilize Santa Ana -based suppliers and businesses <br />for our uniform, vehicle repair, and maintenance needs. <br />Vehicles. LAZ Parking will furnish brand new 2023 eco-friendly sedans, <br />such as a Toyota Corolla Hybrid or comparable vehicle. We will also <br />furnish a brand-new truck in addition to the sedans. We estimate the <br />tiniefranie to procure new vehicles will be 30-45 days from contract <br />execution. <br />Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking: Each vehicle will be <br />equipped with a GPS tracking device. <br />Safety Lights: All vehicles will be mounted with Alternating Quad Flash Strobe Magnetic Mount in Amber. These <br />lights will be used when staff is patrolling to warn other vehicles about their vehicle's slower movement or when <br />idle. <br />RACCREDITED Parking Control Enforcement Services qoARRKIINoCITYOFSANTAANA. CA I RFP No. 23-0 0 I, MARCH 24. 2023 Proposed Wo[k flan `2