9 3
<br />
<br />,lC
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Reset. No. 54-68
<br />Set-back lines
<br />East side McClay;
<br />North side W.17th.St.
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 5h-69
<br />Accept grant deed
<br />Wilfred B. Taylor
<br />etal (Artesia St.)
<br />
<br /> In Re
<br />Resol. No. 54-70
<br />iAcsept grant deed
<br />Wilfred B. Taylor.
<br />~etal (16th St.)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 54-71
<br />Accept grant deed
<br />Wilfred B. Taylor
<br />etal (Daisy St.)
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the ResOlution,
<br />on motion of Councilman D~al, seconded by Larsen and carried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 54-68 referring to the
<br /> PlannDng Commission orooosed setback
<br /> lines for recommendation"
<br />
<br /> along the east side of McClay Street from Chestnut to
<br /> from the surveyed center line of McClay Street
<br />
<br /> angles, and a setback along the north side of West
<br />Bristol Street west to a point 138.71 feet east of
<br />the surveyed center line of Alona Street, 125 feet north of the surve
<br />center line of West l?th Street measured at right angles, was con-
<br />sidered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />a setback
<br />McFadden, 54 feet
<br />measured at right
<br />17th Street from
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Absent,
<br />
<br />Cou-ncilmen
<br />Councilmen
<br />
<br />William Jerome, J.L.McBrlde,
<br />Themes F. Lateen, Milford
<br />Courtney R. Chan~31er
<br />None
<br />None
<br />
<br />D~al,
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman D~hl, seconded by Larsen and carried, the
<br />
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 54-69
<br /> for public street"
<br />
<br />sm.gepting ~ .
<br /> g. an~ deed
<br />
<br />from Wilfrtd B. Taylor and Orvi~l~ J. Goodwin, as Trustees, conveying
<br />property for street purposes, on Artesia Street, ~as considered and
<br />passed by the follo?.~ing vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Noes, Councilmen
<br />Absent,.Councilmen
<br />
<br />William Jerome, J.L.McBridc,
<br />Thomas F. Larsen, Milford ~L. Dalai,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler
<br />None
<br />None
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on moticn of Councilman Ds2~l, seconded by Larsen and c~ried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> ~"Resolution No. 5~-70 accepting grant deed
<br /> for public street"
<br />
<br />from Wilfred B. Taylor and Orville J. Goodwin, as Trustees, conveying
<br />property for street purposes, on !6th Street, w~s considered and
<br />passed by the follo~'ing vote:
<br />
<br /> Ayes, Councilmen Willio~m Jerome, J.L.McBridc,
<br /> Thomas F. Larsen, Milford W. Dahl,
<br /> Courtney R. Chandler
<br /> Noes, Councilmen None
<br /> Absent, Councilmen None
<br />,,
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman Dah!, seconded by Lateen and carried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. ~-71 accepting grant deed for
<br /> public street"
<br />
<br />from ~'~ilfred ~. Taylor and Orville J. C~oodwln, as Trustees, conveying
<br />property for street purposes, on Daisy Street, ~,~as considered and
<br />passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Noes, Councilmen
<br />Absent, Councilmen
<br />
<br />William Jerome, J.L.McBride,
<br />Thomas F. Larccn, Milford W. D~al,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler
<br />None~
<br />None
<br />
<br />
<br />