~n Re
<br />Resol. No. 55-118
<br />"English Annex"
<br /> (Hearing 5ate)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Proposed annexation
<br />"memmer Annex"
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 55-119
<br />"memmer Annex"
<br /> (}{earing date)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 55-120
<br />Accept Grant Deed
<br />Lucy V. Lara
<br />(extension of To~msend
<br />north of 8th St.)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Rosol. No. 55-121
<br />Accept Grant Deed
<br />Antone Borcha~d et ux
<br />(Nc.side Delhi Rd. bin
<br />Bristol & 01d Newport
<br />Road)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 55-122
<br />Agreement with
<br />Byron Jackson Co.
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the
<br />
<br />reading of the Resolution,
<br />
<br />on motion of Councilman Markel, seconded by Heinly and
<br />
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br />"Resolution No. 55-118
<br />annexation to City of
<br />uninhabited territory
<br />nated 'English Annex'
<br />and place for hearing
<br />
<br />was considered and passed by the
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />carried, the
<br />
<br />gi~Ing notice of proposed
<br />Santa Ana of that certain
<br />described herein and desig-
<br />, and giving notice of time
<br />of protests thereto"
<br />
<br />following vote:
<br />
<br />Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler
<br />None
<br />William Jerome, Milford W. Dahl
<br />
<br />Noes, Councilmen
<br />Absent, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Petition signed by Walker and Dorothy Lemm~ r, Paul and Mar-garet Nissen,
<br />and Elmer and Florence Biegler, recommendation of the Planning Com-
<br />mission and report of the Boundary Commission were presented on the
<br />proposed annexation of certain parcels of property located approx-
<br />imately at the inters,ction of Bristol Street and Memory Lane. On
<br />motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Markel and carried, said
<br />
<br />documents were received and filed.
<br />,,
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Markel and carried, the
<br />
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br />giving notice of proposed
<br />Santa Ana of that certain
<br />described herein and desig-
<br />and giving notice of time
<br />of protests thereto"
<br />
<br />"Resolution No. 55-119
<br />annexation to City of
<br />uninhabited territory
<br />nated 'Lemmsr Annex~,
<br />and place for hearing
<br />
<br />was considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler
<br />None
<br />William Jerome, Milford W. Dahl
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Noes, Councilmen
<br />Absent, Councilmen
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Markel and carried, the
<br />lowing Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 55-120 accepting Grant Deed"
<br />
<br />from Lucy V. Lara, was considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler
<br />None
<br />William Jerome, Milford W. Ds/al
<br />
<br />Noes, Councilmen
<br />Absent, Councilmen
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Markel and carried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 55-121 accepting Grant Deed"
<br />
<br />from Antone and Anna A.
<br />lowing vote:
<br />
<br /> Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br /> Noes, Councilmen
<br /> Absent, Councilmen
<br />
<br />fob-
<br />
<br />Borchard, was considered and passed by the fol-
<br />
<br />Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler
<br />None
<br />William Jerome, Milfor~ W. Dahl
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Markel and carried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 55-122 expressing agreement with
<br /> the Byron Jackson Company regarding the develop-
<br /> ment and use of land to be annexed to the City
<br /> of Santa Aha, California"
<br />
<br />
<br />