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122 <br /> <br />Amendment Application <br />initiated by the Planning <br />Con~aission (W.First St. ) <br /> <br />Application to <br />solici~ funds <br /> <br />Agreement <br />Bureau of the <br />Census <br /> <br />Charles W. Bowers <br />Memorial ~useum <br />Foundation <br /> <br />Agreom~nt <br />W. Neath & Co. Inc. <br />(electric sign) <br /> <br />J.W.Lenney <br />Sixth, Mabury and <br />Fruit Streets. <br /> <br />Agreement <br />Orange County Tuberculosis <br />and Health Association <br /> <br />Conmmmication <br />Edward W. Merr~ <br /> <br />Com.-,-ication <br />Orange County Salt Water <br />Fish Conservationists <br /> <br />C~m~nication <br />Norm-n's Restaurant, Inc. <br /> <br />C~ication <br />Board of Supervisors <br /> <br /> --~n~m-ut, w~s considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> A~es, Counc~l-~u Dale II. Neinly, J. Ogden Markel, Wt~tam Je~-~, <br /> Courtney R. Chandler, Milford W. <br /> Noes, Count1 w-~'u None <br /> Absent, Council "~u None <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Neinly, seeo~-d by Marhel and carried, Amendment Application No. <br />200 initiated by the Planning C~mw.~ ssion for the reclassification of proper~cy on beth <br />sides of West First Street frem Artesia Street to Birch Street, from the R-2 and <br />Districts to the C-1-PK and C-2-PK Districts, and for modification of existing ¢-1 and <br />C-2 Districts by the addition ~reto of PE~ was referred to the Planning C~w, tssion <br />the re~-~-tion that a more definite description be made of the properties involved. <br />On motion of Counc~m-~ Chandler, seconded by Markel and carried, the application of <br />Seventh D~y Adventist Church for permissio~ to solicit funds and use sound equil~aent Oc~ <br />16th~udthe last week in November and the first three and one-half weeks in December, was <br />granted. <br /> <br /> On motion of C~Unc~lm-~ Je~, seconded by M~rkel and carried, proper officials were <br /> authorized to execute agre~nt dated October 15th, 1956, with the Depe~ut of ~rce <br /> Bureau of the Oensus, for the Special ~ensus to be T~w~_n in the City of Santa <br /> <br /> On motion of Coune~,~ Heialy, seconded by Marhel amd carried, proper.officials were <br /> authorized to execute agre~e~-nt dated October 15th, 1956 with ~-~les W. Bowers Memorial <br /> Muse,w- Fotu~dation, for the payment by the City of the sum of $250.00 per month, plus <br /> incidental costs and expenses such as mileage, travel expenses and ~tmf1~r items of <br /> expense incidental to the perform~.e of the w~rk at the Bowers Memorial Museum. <br /> <br /> On motion of Cotulc~l=-~ Markel, seconded by Je~ and carried, proper officials were <br /> authorized to e~cute the agreement dated October 15th, 1956, with W. Neath & Ccm~, <br /> Inc., to construct an electric sign for Edwards Bros., in front of property at 102 North <br /> Broadway, extending over and upon the area between the center of the street and the set- <br /> back line. <br /> <br /> On motion of Counc~-~- Je~, seconded by Chandler and carried, proper officials were <br /> authorized to execute agre~.-~nt dated October 15th, 1956, ~th J. W. nenuey covering <br /> collection for disposal of sewage, for a period of ten years, from an~ person connecting <br /> into sewerage facilities frc~ property fronting on such facLlities but not within T~act <br /> No. 2648, as follows: Sixth, Mabury and Fruit Streets. <br /> <br /> On motion of Councilman Je _ro~-, seconded by Chandler and carried, proper officials were <br /> authorized to execute agre--~ut dated October 15th, 1956, with Orange County Tuberculosis <br /> <br /> and Health Association, for the leasing of certain ro,~ ~ at the O ....... m~ty Oenter Buildin <br /> <br /> for the period October 1st, 1956 to March ~lst, 1959. <br /> <br /> On motion of Counc~ Seinly, seconded by Jerome aud c~ed, the communication <br /> <br /> Edward W. ~errt ] 1 rsquestt~ per~zission to preSent signed copies of petitions pertaining <br /> .to Ordinances affecting over-night parking, was received and filed. <br /> <br /> On motion of Oounctl~n ~tnly, secolxd~d by ~l~k~l ~ut cax'A'ied, the ~ication from <br /> the Orange County Salt Water l~ah Conservationists extending an invitation to the Council <br /> to attend the meeting to he held October 16th, at 7:~0 P.M., at il04 West Eighth Street, <br /> was received and filed. <br /> <br /> On motion of Ccunetlm~- Je2~_~.-~, Seconded by Markel and carried, the ~ieation from <br /> Norman's Bestaurant, Inc., requesting the re!_~-_ze of'Sales Tax deposit in the sum of <br /> $250.00, was received and filed. <br /> <br /> On motion of Councilman Jerome, seconded by Chandler and carried, the c.~mtcation from <br /> the Board of Supervisors acknowledg~ receipt of Besolution giving notice of proposed <br /> <br />,] <br /> <br /> <br />