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96-007 - Amend Resolution Nos. 82-110 and 91-066
1952 - 1999
96-007 - Amend Resolution Nos. 82-110 and 91-066
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4/28/2015 12:08:48 PM
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6/26/2003 10:47:00 AM
City Clerk
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\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\1952 - 1999\1982
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\1952 - 1999\1991
99-068 - Amend Resolution No. 91-066
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\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\1952 - 1999\1999
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373 <br /> <br />SCHEDUL5~ BC-1 <br /> <br />BASIC SALARY /lAiD WAGE SCHEDULE FIRE BATTALION CHIEF (MM) <br /> <br />This basic salary and wage schedule provides for number of ranges of pay rates (salary rate <br />ranges) each comprised of five pay steps or rat~s. The salary rate ranges are identified by <br />the letter M, and a three-digit number. Steps are identified by the letters A to E <br />inclusive. The purpose of each step and the length of service and other criteria required <br />for advancement within the rate range is defined below. <br /> <br />A - Lowest step in range. <br />B - Shall be granted on the first day of the month following completion of one year <br /> of continued satisfactory and efficient service. <br />C - Same as B. <br />D - Same as B. <br />E - Same as B. <br /> A performance appraisal shall be required for movement through the steps. <br /> <br />NOTE: <br /> <br />SALARy SCHEDULE MATRIX <br /> <br />In the following salary schedule matrix, each salary range is identified by a three-digit <br />number. The first two digits are listed in the first vertical column on the left and the <br />third digit is listed horizontally across the top and identifies the appropriate column. <br />This three-digit range number locates "A" step of the range and steps B, C, D and E are found <br />in the column directly below "A" step. For example, "A" step off Range NO. 601 is found to <br />be $3915 by moving down the left column (Range No.) to the number 60 (the first two digits <br />of the Range No.), then horizontally to column 1 (the third digit of the Range No.). The "A" <br />step of $3915 has the remaining steps shown directly below, thus the full, five-step range <br /> <br />is 3915-4111-4317-4533-4764. <br />5623-5905-6200. <br /> <br />In the same manner, Range No. 655 is found to be 5101-5356- <br /> <br />M32 994 998 1003 1008 1014 1019 1024 1029 1034 1039 <br />M33 1044 1049 1054 1059 1065 1070 1075 1081 1086 1091 <br />M34 1096 1101 1106 1112 1118 1123 1129 1134 1140 1146 <br />M35 1151 1156 1162 1168 1174 1180 1185 1191 1197 1203 <br />M36 1209 1215 1221 1227 1233 1239 1245 1251 1258 1264 <br />M37 1269 1275 1281 1288 1294 1301 1307 1314 1320 1327 <br />M38 1332 1338 1345 1352 1358 1365 1372 1379 1386 1393 <br />M39 1399 1405 1413 1420 1427 1434 1441 1448 1455 1463 <br />M40 1469 1476 1483 1491 1498 1506 1513 1521 1528 1536 <br />M41 1542 1549 1557 1565 1573 1580 1588 1596 1604 1612 <br />M42 1619 1627 1635 1643 1651 1659 1668 1676 1684 1693 <br />M43 1700 1708 1717 1725 1734 1742 1751 1760 1769 1778 <br />M44 1785 1793 1802 1811 1820 1830 1839 1848 1857 1866 <br />M45 1874 1883 1892 1902 1911 1921 1930 1940 1950 1960 <br />M46 1968 1977 1987 1997 2007 2017 2027 2037 2048 2058 <br />M47 2066 2076 2086 2097 2107 2118 2128 2139 2150 2160 <br />M48 2169 2179 2190 2201 2212 2223 2234 2246 2257 2268 <br />M49 2277 2288 2299 2311 2322 2334 2346 2357 2369 2381 <br />MS0 2391 2402 2414 2427 2439 2451 2463 2475 2488 2500 <br />M51 2511 2523 2536 2548 2561 2574 2587 2600 2613 2626 <br />M52 2637 2650 2663 2676 2690 2703 2717 2730 2744 2758 <br />M53 2769 2782 2796 2810 2824 2838 2853 2867 2881 2896 <br />M54 2907 2921 2936 2950 2965 2980 2995 3010 3025 3040 <br />M55 3052 3067 3082 3098 3113 3129 3144 3160 3176 3192 <br />M56 3205 3221 3237 3253 3269 3285 3302 3318 3335 3352 <br />M57 3365 3381 3398 3415 3432 3449 3467 3484 3501 3519 <br />M58 3533 3550 3568 3586 3604 3622 3640 3658 3676 3695 <br />M59 3710 3728 3747 3765 3784 3803 3822 3841 3861 3880 <br />M60 3896 3915 3935 3954 3974 3994 4014 4034 4054 4074 <br />M61 4091 4111 4132 4152 4173 4194 4215 4236 4257 4278 <br />M62 4296 4317 4339 4360 4382 4404 4426 4448 4470 4493 <br /> <br />0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <br /> <br /> <br />
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