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99-036 - Street Terrorist Offender Program
1952 - 1999
99-036 - Street Terrorist Offender Program
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223 <br /> <br />OPERATIONAL AGREEMENT <br /> <br />STREET TERRORIST OFFENDER PROJECT IV <br /> (STOP IV) <br /> <br />SANTA ANA LOCAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE <br /> <br />GANG VIOLENCE SUPPRESSION MULTI-COMPONENT GROUP PROGRAM <br /> <br />JULY 1, 1999- JUNE 30, 2001 <br /> <br />This Operational Agreement stands as evidence that the agencies comprising the Santa Ana Local <br />Coordinating Cormnittee (SSLCC) intend to continue to work together toward the mutual goal of <br />providing maximum available assistance for the STOP IV Gang Violence Suppression (GVS) Project in <br />the jurisdiction of Santa Ama, Califorrda. All participating agencies believe that implementation of the <br />Gang Violence Suppression Multi-Component Group Program proposal STOP IV, as described herein, <br />will further this goal. To this end, each agency agrees to participate in the program, if implemented, by <br />coordinating/providing the following services. <br /> <br />POLICE <br /> <br />STOP 1V is designed to impgct the gang-related criminal activity occurring in and around the <br />neighborhood identified as Saiita Ama reporting grids 186, 187 and 206. The Santa Aha Police <br />Department will assign two gang investigators to work in partnership with the Orange County District <br />Attorney's Office, Orange Cgt~nty Probation Department, Santa Ana Unified School District, and Orange <br />County Bar Foundation (ShortStop/Programa Shortstop) to reduce gangrelated crime and prevent at-risk <br />youths from entering into the gang subculture. These investigators will work in conjunction with the <br />existing gang suppression program known as S.T.O.P. (Street Terrorist Offender Project), already in place <br />at the Santa Ama Police Department. The primary ftinction of the investigative aspect of this partnership <br />is the identification and arrest of hard core gang members responsible for the criminal activity within the <br />targeted neighborhood. The investigators will also assist with the identification of at-risk youth and make <br />referrals to the intervention programs of the School District and ShortStop. The Santa Ama Police <br />Department will provide cur-rent gang-related information to School District staff and teachers, and will <br />provide public speakers as needed. <br /> <br />EDUCATION <br /> <br />The Santa Aha Unified School District will provide services to students, parents, and the school staff in <br />the targeted area. This comprehensive program will include a prevention component that will include <br />augmenting current anti-drug and anti-violence curriculum, a discipline program and an intervention <br />program. The instructional program will target grade levels that are not currently receiving this <br />instruction. The discipline program will include a comprehensive discipline plan at each school site, <br />which includes the District board policies on discipline. The targeted school sites will include in their <br />discipline plan interventions to be used as alternatives to suspension and expulsion. The intervention plan~. <br />will include a process for identif~g high-risk students and their families to provide needed services. <br />The Santa Ama Unified School District will provide these education and intervention programs in <br />cooperation with the Santa Aha Police Department, Orange County Dis~ict Attorney's Office, Orange <br />County Probation Department, and Orange County Bar Foundation (ShortStop/Programa Shortstop). <br /> <br /> <br />
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