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99-042 - Amend Resolution Nos. 91-066 and 96-095
1952 - 1999
99-042 - Amend Resolution Nos. 91-066 and 96-095
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Last modified
10/28/2014 4:45:22 PM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:47:02 AM
City Clerk
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2000-019 - Amend Resolution No.96-095
(Amended By)
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2000 - 2010\2000
2000-067 - Amend Resolution No. 91-066
(Amended By)
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2000 - 2010\2000
2001-026 - Amend Resolution No. 91-066
(Amended By)
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2000 - 2010\2001
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\1952 - 1999\1991
96-095 - Employment Designated as Administrative Management Classes
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\1952 - 1999\1996
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MM-99 <br />5c. hedule of Salary I~ate Rangee for Unrepresented <br />Middle-Management ClaS~e~ of Employment (Effective 9/01/99) <br /> <br /> 01 02 03 04 05 O~ ~7' 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 <br /> <br />MM-lO 4281 4388 4498 4~10 4725 4843 4964 5088 5215 5345 5479 5~16 5757 5901 6049 <br />MM-11 ~388 4498 4~10 4725 4843 4964 5088 5215 5345 5479 5~16 5757 5901 6049 6200 <br />MM- 12 4498 4610 4725 4843 49~ 5088 5215 5345 5479 5~ 16 5757 5901 6049 6200 6355 <br />MM- 13 4610 4725 4843 49~4 50~ 5215 5:545 5479 5616 5757 5901 6049 6200 6355 6514 <br />MM-14 4725 4843 4964 5088 5215 5345 5479 5~10 5757 5901 6049 6200 6355 6514 6677 <br />MM- 15 4843 4964 5088 5215 5345 5479 5~ 6 §757 5901 6049 6200 6355 6514 6677 6843 <br />MM-16 49~4 5088 5215 5345 5479 5~16 5757 5901 ~049 6200 6355 6514 6677 ~843 7014 <br />MM-17 5088 5215 5345 5479 5~16 5757 5901 ~049 6200 6355 6514 6~77 6843 7014 7189 <br />MM-18 5215 5345 5479 5~16 575~ 5901 no049 6200 6355 6514 6677 6843 7014 7189 7369 <br />MM-19 5345 5479 5616 5756 5900 6049 6200 6355 6514 6677 6843 7014 7189 7369 7553 <br />MM-20 5479 5616 5756 5900 ~:)48 6200 6355 6514 ro~77 6843 7014 7189 7369 7553 7742 <br />MM-21 5616 5756 5900 6048 6199 0355 6514 6677 66/543 7014 7189 7369 7553 7742 7935 <br />MM-22 5756 5900 604/5 6199 6354 6514 ro~7~ ~43 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 8134 <br />MM-23 5900 6048 6199 6354 0513 6~77 6/543 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 8134 8337 <br />MM-24 6048 6199 6354 6513 6~70 6843 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 8134 8337 8545 <br />MM-25 6199 6354 6513 6676 E~543 7014 7189 7369 7553 7742 7935 8134 8337 8545 8758 <br />MM-26 6354 6513 6676 6643 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 8134 8337 8545 8758 8978 <br />MM-27 6513 6676 6843 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 8134 8337 8545 8758 8978 9202 <br />MM-28 6676 6843 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 8134 8337 8545 8758 8978 9202 9432 <br />MM-29 6843 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 813~ 8337 8545 6758 8978 9202 9432 9668 <br />MM-30 7014 7189 73~9 7553 7742 7935 6134 8337 8545 8758 6978 9202 9432 96~8 9910 <br />MM-31 7189 7369 7553 7742 793~ 8134 6337 8345 8756 8978 9202 9432 9668 9910 10157 <br />MM-32 7369 7553 7742 793~ 8134 6337 ~345 8758 8978 9202 9432 9668 9910 10157 10158 <br />MM-33 7553 7742 7936 8134 8337 8545 6758 8978 9202 9432 9668 9910 10157 10158 10412 <br />MM-34 7742 7936 8134 8337 8545 8758 8978 9202 9432 966~ 9910 10158 10158 10412 10672 <br />MM-35 7936 8134 8337 8545 8759 8978 9202 9452 9~ 9910 10158 10412 10412 10~72 10939 <br />MM-36 8134 8337 8545 8759 8976 9202 9432 9~6 9910 10158 10412 10672 10672 10939 11212 <br />MM-37 8337 8545 8759 8978 9202 9432 9r~ 9910 10158 10412 10672 10939 10939 11212 11492 <br />MM-38 8545 8759 8978 9202 9432 96~8. 9910 10158 10412 16672 10939 11212 11212 11492 12073 <br />MM-39 8759 8978 9202 9432 9~8 9910 iOi'5~ 10412 10~72 10959' 11212 11492 11492 12073 12375 <br />MM-40 8978 9202 9432 9668 9910 101~8 10412 10~72 :10939 11212 11492 11779 12073 12375 12684 <br /> <br /> <br />
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