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NS-2522 - Amending Chapter 8 and 14 to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Building Code, California Mechanical Code...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2003 (NS-2520 - NS-2640)
NS-2522 - Amending Chapter 8 and 14 to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Building Code, California Mechanical Code...
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1/3/2012 1:01:37 PM
Creation date
7/21/2003 2:22:34 PM
City Clerk
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SECTION 12: The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines <br />and declares that adoption of Section 8-115 amending California Building Code section <br />1005.3.3.7 is necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographic conditions. <br />This expressed finding is supported and based upon the following more specific <br />findings, and determinations: <br /> <br /> The City of Santa Ana is located in an area subject to a climatic condition of high <br />winds and Iow humidity. This combination of events creates an environment, which is <br />conducive to rapidly spreading fires. Control of such fires requires rapid response. <br />Obstacles generated by a strong wind, such as fallen trees, street lights and utility <br />poles, and the requirement to climb 75 feet vertically up flights of stairs will greatly <br />impact the response time to reach an incident scene. Additionally Table 16-G identifies <br />a significant increase in the amount of wind force at 60 feet above the ground. Use of <br />aerial type fire fighting apparatus above this height would place rescue personnel at <br />increased risk of injury. <br /> <br /> The City of Santa Ana is located in the middle of the seismically active area <br />identified as Seismic Zone 4. The viability of the public water system would be <br />questionable at best after a major seismic event. This would leave tall buildings <br />vulnerable to uncontrolled fires due to a lack of available water and an inability to pump <br />sufficient quantities of any available water to floors above the 55-foot level. A severe <br />seismic event has the potential to negatively impact any rescue or fire suppression <br />activities because it is likely to create obstacles similar to those indicated under the high <br />wind section above. With the probability of strong aftershocks there exists a need to <br />provide increased protection for anyone on upper floors. <br /> <br /> SECTION 13: That section 8-115 is added to Chapter 8 of the Santa Aha <br />Municipal Code to read in full as follows: <br /> <br />Sec 8-115. Section 1005.3.3.7 is amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />1005.3.3.7 Pressurized enclosure. In a building having a floor level used for human <br />occupancy located more than 55 feet (16.674mm) above the lowest level of fire <br />department vehicle access, all required exit enclosures shall be pressurized in <br />accordance with Section 905 and this section. Pressurization shall occur automatically <br />upon activation of an approved fire alarm system. <br /> <br />EXCEPTION: If the building is not equipped with a fire alarm system, pressurization <br />shall be upon activation of a spot-type smoke detector listed for releasing service <br />located within 5 feet (1524 mm) of each vestibule entry. <br /> <br />A controlled relief vent capable of discharging a minimum of 2,500 cubic feet per minute <br />(1180 L/s) of air at the design pressure difference shall be located in the upper portion <br />of such pressurized exit enclosures. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2522 <br /> Page 9 of 47 <br /> <br /> <br />
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