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NS-2640 - Extending the Temporary Prohibiton on Construction or Establishment of Any New, or Expansion of Any Existing, Bail Bond...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2003 (NS-2520 - NS-2640)
NS-2640 - Extending the Temporary Prohibiton on Construction or Establishment of Any New, or Expansion of Any Existing, Bail Bond...
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1/3/2012 1:01:41 PM
Creation date
12/5/2003 1:31:26 PM
City Clerk
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avoid the problems referenced above in Santa Aha. The City's staff has <br />also conducted outreach to the current Bail Bonds businesses in the City <br />of Santa Ana. <br /> <br />Despite these efforts, without adoption of this ordinance properties in the <br />City would ministerially and quickly receive entitlements to establish Bail <br />Bonds businesses despite the fact that the City Council has determined <br />that the Code is in need of updating and has directed that a study be done <br />to recommend revisions to the Code to address concerns created by Bail <br />Bonds uses. <br /> <br />The City Council has held a duly noticed public hearing regarding this <br />ordinance, and has considered all of the written and oral testimony offered <br />concerning whether to adopt this emergency ordinance. <br /> <br />There are currently several dozen Bail Bonds businesses in the City and <br />as of the date of this emergency ordinance, at least two individual <br />developers have contacted the City to seek to establish new locations at <br />which to engage in the business of selling Bail Bonds. <br /> <br />If unregulated, Bail Bonds businesses would create detrimental impacts to <br />the surrounding areas, including adjacent single family neighborhoods for <br />the following reasons: <br /> <br />Unlike most service or office uses in the City, Bail Bonds uses are <br />typically open twenty-four (24) hours per day, and often include a <br />provision for employees to actually room (£e., sleep) at the <br />business during night hours, which if not properly regulated is <br />incompatible with other commercial uses and adjacent residential <br />areas. <br /> <br />Unlike most service or office uses in the City, Bail Bonds uses <br />typically include a major on-site security component (e.g., armed <br />security guards, "bullet-proof" glass, and controlled visitor parking) <br />that, if not properly regulated, is incompatible with other commercial <br />uses and adjacent residential areas. <br /> <br />Bail Bond uses in the City and in other cities concentrate in certain <br />areas and such concentrations, if not properly regulated, could <br />create significant secondary effects such as lowering of property <br />values, an increase in crime, and failure of these areas to recycle to <br />new, superior commercial uses. <br /> <br />Unregulated Bail Bond uses, particularly when located immediately <br />adjacent to single family neighborhoods, constitute an incompatible <br />use to the City's single family residential zoning district. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2640 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />
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