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<br />• Overall qualifications of the P <br />type of service. <br />• Identification of the technical <br />placements. <br />• Any unique qualifications and <br />provide temporary contract se <br />• References. <br />e. Quantity and Quality of the Proposer's <br />The City will evaluate the pool of p <br />for possible consideration. Factors <br />• The number of the qualified cai <br />• The range of the skills and abil <br />• The depth of the skills and abili <br /> <br />and experience and ability to perform this <br />Proposer handles for temporary <br />rience which distinguish Proposer's ability to <br />persons in the various technical specialties. <br />of Potential Candidates: <br />ntial candidates that a Proposer can present <br />be looked at included: <br />in each category and specialty. <br />of the candidates. <br />of the candidates. <br />3.3 Scoring Method <br />Each criteria of evaluation will be scored on a ~ <br />a "0" and a "10" is based on the criteria below: <br />scale of 0 to 10. The distinction between <br />Table 3.3 Scoring Criteria <br />0% Criterion was not addres <br />material resented was t ed in the proposal or the <br />tall without merit. <br />10% Bare minimum <br />20% Criterion was addressed <br />little ca abili or awaren inimally, but indicated <br />ss of area. <br />30% Intermediate score betty en 20% and 40%. <br />40% Criterion was addressed <br />some ca abili inimally, but indicated <br />50% Intermediate score betty en 40% and 60 <br />60% Criterion was addressed <br />basic ca abili dequately. Overall, a <br />70% Intermediate score betty en 60% and 80% <br />80% Criterion was addressed <br />indicates some su erior ell. This response <br />atures. <br />90% Intermediate score betty en 80% and 100%. <br />100% Criterion was addressed <br />indicatin an excellent or n superior fashion, <br />outstandin ca abilit . <br />For example, method of assuring capacity <br />score of 15 points. If "Proposer A" addresses <br />15 points would be factored by 80%. <br />skill of agency employees has maximum <br />topic well (the definition of an 80% factor), the <br />Maximum Points Score <br />15 X 80% <br />Net Points <br />12 <br />November 2001 ~3 <br />