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nPrialtias <br />COnSU <br />Project Manager <br />(for software development project) <br />Duties <br />Education/Certification <br />Work Experience/Skills/Knowledge/Abilities <br />Other <br />• U der the direction of a Team Leader, will keep project <br />o course for schedule, cost and resources. <br />• A sists in planning, organizing, and arranging for <br />• Heads effort to confirm user requirements. <br />• M Wages all applicable phases of the application <br />d velopment life cycle <br />• D fines work tasks and makes staff assignments <br />• P rticipates in architecting the system and confirming <br />vi bility of design. <br />• H Ips quality control staff products. <br />• PI ys key role in overall integration of systems modules. <br />• O ersees acceptance testing and operational cut over. <br />• S me post implementation transition assistance. <br />degree preferred. <br />• M nimum 6 years of Applications & Development <br />S rvices experience with 3 years in project <br />m nagement assignments. <br />• M st have recent experience as project manager for a <br />s ccessful software applications development project <br />wi h a budget of at least $400,000 or 4,000 hours of <br />st ff effort. <br />• K owledge of payroll -personnel systems essential. <br />• K owledge of government accounting practices and <br />m nicipal govemment processes ideal. <br />• S ills in all phases of the application development life <br />cy le needed. <br />• A ility to communicate both orally and in writing. <br />• E cellent interpersonal and team skills a must. <br />• N eds an "I'll do whatever it takes" attitude. <br />• 4 L programming and relations data base design very <br />• CI ent/server development experience a big plus. <br />• S ould have PC skills in word processing, spreadsheet, <br />a d project management software. <br />• M~st have a valid Class C Driver's license. <br />• M nual dexterity to manipulate computers and <br />• Agility to read printed documentation and computer <br />• M$y have to undergo background investigation by Santa <br />A a Police Department. <br />November 200'1 37 <br />