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<br />Becerra, Alexis <br />From:Nathaniel Greensides <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, March 4, 2025 <br />To:eComment <br />Subject:Agenda item 18 City Council meeting for March 4 2025 <br /> Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Dear City Council, <br /> <br />I write in opposition to the item - specifically the proposal to allow what was once rental housing for long term low- <br />income tenants to now be sold as individual condo units (likely to out of town absentee landlords) located at 425 E. <br />Wellington Avenue (I am in support of the creation of 40 new affordable units at 621 W. Alton Avenue). <br /> <br />In 2021, I assisted two families who were being "renovicted" from the property at 425 East Wellington Avenue. They had <br />lived in their respective units for a few years at the building in reference and had lived in the City of Santa Ana for <br />decades with their children attending SAUSD schools. The families were struggling to find new affordable places for rent <br />upon being served legally valid notices of eviction so that the then landlord (who at that point had recently acquired the <br />property), an LLC entity which was in actuality, just one individual from Newport Beach, could renovate. The families <br />court appearances were scheduled on zoom and I assisted two families with ensuring they appeared virtually in court to <br />tell the judge that they had been able to find a new place to rent (albeit in Anaheim and at a much higher price) to avoid <br />an eviction on their records. They sadly left Santa Ana and the property has now sat vacant for almost if not more than 4 <br />years. In the time that the residential property has sat vacant, I did pass by regularly to ensure that there were actual <br />renovations taking place as it would be illegal for the landlord to have evicted the tenants and then proceeded to not <br />perform any upgrades. I believe these upgrades that were made should be looked into closely to ensure that said <br />renovations were actually necessary or crucial, or if the renovations were solely for the purpose of generating profit for <br />out of town absentee landlords. It is also suspect to me that the property is now being proposed for sale as individual <br />condos with a non-profit housing partner in tow. I was taught that if I buy an investment, it may decline in value and I <br />should be prepared for such a scenario. Instead, it seems, out of town "investors" in the Santa Ana housing market <br />believe otherwise and are now seeking special deals to ensure private profit. <br /> <br />On one hand it can be argued that this is a good thing - to increase the amount of housing units for people to own <br />instead of rent. However, first, no new housing units are being created here and second, I know that many of the more <br />"affordable" condo complexes all throughout our city are still largely un-obtainable for the vast majority of current <br />residents. In these "more affordable" condo complexes, many out of town landlords operate the individual condo units <br />as rental units which ultimately renders the entire condo property ineligible for federally backed mortgages (which is <br />one major contributor to ensuring that families can successfully transition to become long term stable homeowners in <br />the USA). When these affordable condo units are gobbled up by out of town investors and then successively rented out, <br />our community stability and housing market stability suffers as a result. A more responsible local approach that can <br />stabilize our local housing economy would be to enact policies which incentivize conversion to co-ops or to land held in <br />trust by community led organizations with the structures owned by individuals. <br />opdominium-a-path-to-affordable-condominium-unit-ownership <br />Additionally, I believe that it is immoral and un-Christian to let housing sit vacant until the highest bidder comes around <br />while more and more families are stretched ever thinner if and where not already housing challenged or homeless. <br /> <br />While I respect and applaud the work of the non-profit housing developer being brought into this agenda item (Habitat <br />for Humanity), I wish to offer that it is not always true that any and every non-profit housing entity has corporate <br />structures and missions which are directly aligned with the specific interests of long-term Santa Ana residents. There are <br />many local non-profit organizations in Santa Ana that can and should be considered for partnership if the property is to <br />1 <br /> <br />