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Acceptance means the Customer has signed the Certificate of Substantial Completion. <br /> <br />Acceptance Date means the date on which the Customer signs the Certificate of Substantial <br />Completion. <br /> <br />Annual Performance Guaranteed Periods means the periods of time beginning with the first day of <br />each month following the Acceptance Date and continuing for one (1) year periods during the term of <br />the contract. <br /> <br />Annual Project Costs means all costs incurred by Customer in one year relating to this Agreement. <br /> <br />Actual Annual Savings means the measured amount of cash and energy savings Customer recognizes <br />in one year as a result of Facility Improvement Measures and designated Operational Savings. The <br />calculations to arrive at the Actual Annual Savings are set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br /> <br />Annual Guarantee means that the cash savings Customer will realize as a result of the Facility <br />Improvement Measures shall be an amount equal to the cost of the annual Debt Service plus the cost of <br />the Technical Support Program. If the amount is lower, there is a shortfall. Said Guarantee is set forth <br />in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br /> <br />Commencement Date means the effective date of this Agreement. <br /> <br />Construction Period means the period from the Commencement Date of this Agreement to the <br />Acceptance Date. <br /> <br />Construction Period Savings means the projected amount of cash savings Customer recognizes as a <br />result of Facility Improvements Measures and designated Operational Savings during the Construction <br />Period. <br /> <br />Escalation Factor means an annual escalation percentage to be applied to the previous years Energy <br />Savings, Operational Savings and Technical Service Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit D. <br /> <br />Facilities means those buildings as set forth in Exhibit A Scope of Services, attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br /> <br />Facility Improvement Measures (FIM") means various items of equipment, devices, materials and/or <br />software as installed by Contractor at the Facilities, or as repaired or replaced by Customer hereunder, <br />for the purpose of improving the efficiency of utility consumption, or otherwise to reduce utility costs <br />of the Facilities as set forth in Exhibit A. <br /> <br />Operational Savings or Designated Savings means cash savings realized by the Customer as a result <br />of the implementation of the FIM's. Said amounts have been mutually agreed upon by Contractor and <br />the Customer. The Operational Savings for each annual period are set forth in Exhibit D. <br /> <br /> <br />