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INACTIVE CONTRACTS (Originals Destroyed)
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Last modified
10/15/2015 10:52:01 AM
Creation date
2/17/2004 2:34:20 PM
Company Name
Bentley Systems Incorporated
Contract #
Public Works
Council Approval Date
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CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />1. Definitions 6. Applicable Law <br />The following terms shall be given the meaning shown, unless This contract shall be governed by and shall be interpreted in <br />context requires otherwise or a unique meaning is otherwise accordance with the laws of the State of California; venue of any <br />specified. action brought with regard to this contract shall be in Sacramento <br />County, Sacramento. California. The United Nations Convention <br />a) "Business entity" means any individual, business, on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to <br />partnership, joint venture, corporation, S- corporation, limited this contract. <br />liability corporation, limited liability partnership, sole <br />proprietorship, joint stock company, consortium, or other 7. Compliance with Statutes and Regulations <br />private legal entity recognized by statute. <br />b) "Buyer" means the State's authorized contracting official. <br />c) "Contract" means the purchase order, contract and /or <br />agreement, by whatever name known or in whatever format <br />used. <br />d) "Contractor" means the business entity with which the <br />State enters into a contract. Contractor shall be synonymous <br />with "supplier, "'Yer or other similar tens. <br />e) "Goods' means all types Of tangible personal property, <br />inciuding but not limited to materials, supplies. equipment <br />( "commodities "), and information and telecommunication <br />technology. <br />r) "State" means the State of California, its employees and <br />authorized representatives. <br />2. CMAS Payee Data Record <br />Each contractor doing business with the State of California must <br />indicate their residency status along with their vendor <br />identification number. Contractors are required to provide a <br />completed Payee Data Record, Std. 206, to the DGS <br />Procurement Division before entering into this contract. <br />3. Complete Integration <br />This contract, including any documents incorporated herein by <br />express reference, is intended to be a complete integration and <br />there are no prior or contemporaneous different or additional <br />agreements pertaining to the subject matter of the contract. <br />6. Severability <br />The contractor and the State agree that if any provision of this <br />contract is found to be illegal or unenforceable, such term or <br />provision shall be deemed stricken and the remainder of the <br />contract shall remain in full force and effect. Either party having <br />knowledge of such term or provision shall promptly inform the <br />other of the presumed non- applicability of such provision. <br />5. Independent Contractor <br />Contractor and the agents and employees of contractor, in the <br />Performance of this contract. shall act in an independent capacity <br />and not as officers or emoloyees or agents of the State. <br />February 2001 <br />a) Contractor warrants and certifies that in the performance of <br />this contract. it will comply with all applicable statutes, rules, <br />regulations and orders of the United States and the State of <br />California and agrees to indemnify the State against any <br />loss, cost, damage or liability by reason of contractor's <br />violation of this provision. <br />b) If this contract is in excess of $500,000, it is subject to the <br />requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO) <br />Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). <br />8. Contractor's Power and Authority <br />The contractor warrants that it has full power and authority to <br />grant the rights herein granted and will hold the State harmless <br />from and against any loss, cost, liability, and expense (including <br />reasonable attorney fees) arising out of any breach of this <br />warranty. Further, contractor avers that it will not enter into any <br />arrangement with any third party which might abridge any rights <br />of the State under this contract. <br />9. CMAS Assignment <br />This contract shall not be assignable by the contractor in whole or <br />in part without the written consent of the State. For the purpose <br />of this paragraph, State will not unreasonably prohibit contractor <br />from freely assigning its right to payment, provided that contractor <br />remains responsible for its obligations hereunder. <br />Should the State desire financing of the assets provided <br />hereunder through GS SMart, the States financial marketplace, <br />the contractor agrees to assign to a State - designated lender its <br />right to receive payment from the State for the assets in <br />exchange for payment by the lender of the cash purchase price <br />for the assets. Upon notice to do so from the State - designated <br />lender at any time prior to payment by the State for the assets, <br />the contactor will execute and deliver to the State - designated <br />lender an assignment agreement and any additional documents <br />necessary for the State selected financing plan. The State - <br />designated lender will pay the contractor according to the terms of <br />the contractor's invoice upon acceptance of the assets by the <br />State. <br />10. Waiver of Rights <br />Any action or inaction by the State or the failure of the State on <br />any occasion, to enforce any right or provision of the contract, <br />shall not be construed to be a waiver by the State of its rights <br />'hereunder and snail not prevent the State from enforcing Such <br />provision or right on any future occasion. The rights and <br />remedies of the State herein are cumulative and are in addition to <br />any other rights or remedies that the State may have at law or in <br />equity. <br />
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