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CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />e) The contractor shall have no liability to the State under any <br />provision of this clause with respect to any claim of patent, <br />copyright, or trade secret infringement that is based upon: <br />i) The combination or utilization of goods furnished <br />hereunder with equipment or devices not made or <br />furnished by the contractor; or, <br />ii) The operation of equipment furnished by the contractor <br />under the control of any operating software other than, <br />or in addition to, the current version of <br />contractor- supplied operating software: or <br />iii) The modification by the State of the equipment <br />furnished hereunder or of the software; or <br />iv) The combination or utilization of software furnished <br />hereunder with non - contractor supplied software. <br />e) Contractor certifies that it has appropriate systems and <br />controls in place to ensure that state funds will not be used <br />in the performance of this contract for the acquisition, <br />operation or maintenance of computer software in violation <br />of copyright laws. <br />g) The foregoing states the entire liability of the contractor to <br />the State with respect to infringement of patents, copyrights <br />or trade secrets. <br />37. Examination and Audit <br />Contractor agrees that the State or its designated representative <br />shall have the right to review and copy any records and <br />supporting documentation pertaining to performance of this <br />contract. Contractor agrees to maintain such records for possible <br />audit for a minimum of three (3) years after final payment, unless <br />a longer period of record retention is stipulated. Contractor <br />agrees to allow the auditor(s) access to such records during <br />normal business hours and to allow interviews of any employees <br />or others who might reasonably have information related to such <br />recoras. Further, contractor agrees to include a similar right of <br />the State to audit records and interview start in any subcontract <br />related to performance of this contract. <br />38. Disputes <br />a) The parties shall deal in good faith and attempt to resolve <br />potential disputes informally. If the dispute persists, <br />contractor shall submit to the Department Director or <br />designee a written demand for a final decision regarding the <br />disposition of any dispute between the parties arising under, <br />related to or involving this contract, unless the State, on its <br />own initiative, has already rendered such a final decision. <br />Contractor's written demand shall be fully supported by <br />factual information, and if such demand involves a cost <br />adjustment to the contract. contractor shall include with the <br />demand a written statement signed by an authorized person <br />indicating that the demand is made in good faith, that the <br />supporting data are accurate and complete and that the <br />amount requested accurately reflects the contract <br />adjustment for which contractor believes the State is liable. If <br />the contractor is not satisfied with the decision of the <br />Department Director or designee, the contractor may appeal <br />the decision to the Department of General Services, Deputy <br />Director, Procurement Division. In the event that this <br />contract is for information technology goods and/or services, <br />the decision may be apoealed to an Executive Committee of <br />State and contractor personnel. <br />February 2001 <br />b) Pending the final resolution of any dispute arising under, <br />related to or involving this contract, contractor agrees to <br />diligently proceed with the performance of this contract, <br />including the delivery of goods or providing of services in <br />accordance with the State's instructions. Contractor's failure <br />to diligently proceed in accordance with the State's <br />instructions shall be considered a material breach of this <br />contract. <br />c) Any final decision of the State shall be expressly identified <br />as such, shall be in writing, and shall be signed by the <br />Department Director or designee or Deputy Director, <br />Procurement Division if an appeal was made. If the State <br />fails to render a final decision within 90 days after receipt of <br />contractor's demand, it shall be deemed a final decision <br />adverse to contractor's contentions. The State's final <br />decision shall be conclusive and binding regarding the <br />dispute unless contractor commences an action in a court of <br />competent jurisdiction to contest such decision within 90 <br />days following the date of the final decision or one (1) year <br />following the accrual of the cause of action, whichever is <br />later. <br />39. Stop Work <br />a) The State may, at any time, by written Stop Work Order to <br />the contractor, require the contractor to stop all, or any part, <br />of the work called for by this contract for a period up to 90 <br />days after the Stop Work Order is delivered to the <br />contractor, and for any further period to which the parties <br />may agree. The Stop Work Order shall be specifically <br />identified as such and shall indicate it is issued under this <br />clause. Upon receipt of the Stop Work Order, the contractor <br />shall immediately comply with its terms and take all <br />reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs <br />allocable to the work covered by the Stop Work Order during <br />the period of work stoppage. Within a period of 90 days <br />after a Stop Work Order is delivered to the contractor, or <br />within any extension of that period to which the parties shall <br />have agreed, the State shall either: <br />i) Cancel the Stop Work Order; or <br />it) Terminate the work covered by the Stop Work Order as <br />provided for in the termination for default or the <br />termination for convenience clause of this <br />contract. <br />b) If a Stop Work Order issued under this clause is canceled or <br />the period of the Stop Work Order or any extension thereof <br />expires, the contractor shall resume work. The State shall <br />make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule, the <br />contract price, or bath, and the contract shall be modified, in <br />writing, accordingly, if: <br />i) The Stop Work Order results in an increase in the time <br />required for, or in the contractor's cost properly <br />allocable to the performance of any part of this <br />contract; and <br />ii) The contractor asserts its right to an equitable <br />adjustment within 30 days after the end of the period of <br />work stoppage; provided, that if the State decides the <br />`acts justify the action,, the State may receive and act <br />upon a proposal submitted at any time before final <br />payment under this contract. <br />