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INACTIVE CONTRACTS (Originals Destroyed)
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Last modified
10/15/2015 10:52:01 AM
Creation date
2/17/2004 2:34:20 PM
Company Name
Bentley Systems Incorporated
Contract #
Public Works
Council Approval Date
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CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY <br />SOFTWARE SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />6. Right To Copy or Modify <br />a) Any Software Product provided by contractor in <br />machine - readable form may be copied. in whole or in part, in <br />printed or machine- readable form for use by the State with <br />the designated CPU, to perform one -time benchmark tests, <br />for archival or emergency restart purposes, to replace a <br />worn copy, to understand the contents of such <br />machine - readable material, or to modify the Software <br />Product as provided below; provided, however, that no more <br />than the number of printed copies and machine - readable <br />copies as specified in the purchase order or Statement of <br />Work will be in existence under this contract at any one time <br />without prior written consent from contractor. The contractor <br />shall not unreasonably withhold such consent. The original, <br />and any copies of the Software Product. in whole or in part, <br />which are made hereunder shall be the property of the <br />contractor. <br />b) The State agrees to keep any such copies and the original at <br />a mutually designated State location, except that the State <br />may transport or transmit a copy of the anginal of any <br />Software Product to another State location for backup use <br />when required by CPU malfunction, provided the copy or the <br />original is destroyed or returned to the designated location <br />when the malfunction is corrected. <br />c) The State may modify any non - personal computer Software <br />Product in machine- readable form, for its own use and <br />merge it into other program material. Any portion of the <br />Software Product included in any merged program material <br />shall be used only on the designated CPUs and shall be <br />subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. <br />7. Future Releases <br />If improved versions of any Software Product are developed by <br />contractor, and are made available to other licensees, they will be <br />made available to the State at the State's option at the contract <br />once or tower. <br />8. .Acceptance Testing for Software (other than Operating Software) <br />a) Acceptance testing is required for all contractor- supplied <br />software supplied under this contract and listed on the <br />purchase order or Statement of Werk, including all software <br />initially installed, improved versions (new releases) of this <br />software, any such software which has been altered <br />(modified) by the contractor to satisfy State requirements, <br />and any substitute software provided by the contractor in lieu <br />thereof, unless purchase order or Statement of Work <br />provides otherwise. The purpose of the Acceptance Test is <br />to ensure that the software operates in substantial accord <br />with the contractor's technical scecficatons and meets the <br />Stare's performance specifications. The specific procedures <br />for the accomplishment of such tests are contained in the <br />purchase order or Statement of Work. <br />b; When contractor has notified the State in writing that the <br />software is installed and ready for use, or if instaiiaticn is not <br />required by contractor, when software has been delivered to <br />State, the State shall begin Acceptance Testing on the first <br />State workday following such certification or delivery, unless <br />otherwise provided in the purchase order or Statement of <br />Work. <br />February 2001 20 <br />c) If successful completion of the Acceptance Test is not <br />attained within the timeframe as specified in the purchase <br />order or Statement of Work, the State shall have the option <br />to request substitute software, cancel that portion of the <br />contract that relates to the unaccepted software, or continue <br />the Acceptance Tests. The State's option shall remain in <br />effect until such time as the tests are successfully <br />performed, or the timeframe as specified in the purchase <br />order or Statement of Work, whichever occurs first If the <br />Acceptance Tests have not been successfully performed <br />prior to the expiration of the timeframe specified in the <br />purchase order or Statement of Work, that portion of the <br />contract which relates to the unaccepted software shall be <br />canceled, unless both parties agree to the continuation of <br />the tests or to the delivery of substitute software. If the <br />unaccepted software (or its functional equivalent) is crucial <br />to the accomplishment of the work for which the equipment <br />was acquired, and is so identified in the purchase order or <br />Statement of Work, the State shall have the option of <br />terminating the entire contract in accordance with the <br />Termination for Default provision in the contract <br />d) Unless otherwise provided in the purchase order or <br />Statement of Work, software shall not be accepted by the <br />State and no charges associated with such software shall be <br />paid by the State until the software has satisfactorily <br />completed the Acceptance Tests. Immediately upon <br />successful completion of the Acceptance Testing, the State <br />shall notify the contractor in writing of the acceptance of the <br />software and authorize appropriate payment <br />9. CMAS Subscriptions <br />Software maintenance and license fees, which are considered a <br />subscription, may be paid in advance if a provision addressing <br />payment in advance is included in the contract or purchase order. <br />
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