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Response: Upon receipt of notification from Customer, Licensor shall respond within the <br />next four (4) hours of the business day followed by action to fix the problem as soon as <br />reasonably possible, including, where feasible, providing a workaround for the problem <br />pending such resolution. <br />Priority Two <br />Major Software Errors: Software Errors that do not prevent or substantially interfere with <br />operation of the Deliverables for their primary intended purpose or are not system wide, but <br />that do prevent or materially interfere with end user performance of common functions <br />described in the Functional Specification Document <br />Response: Licensor shall respond within the next eight (8) hours of the business day(s), <br />followed by action to provide a workaround and/or a fix via an upgrade to the Deliverables <br />within a reasonable time, taking into consideration the effect of the Software Error on <br />Customer's operation of the Deliverables. <br />Priority Three <br />Minor Software Errors: All other Software Errors not described above. <br />Response: Licensor shall call back within five (5) business days, and provide correction <br />within a reasonable time, taking into consideration the nature of the error, the effect upon <br />operation of the Deliverables, and the reasonable requests of the Customer with respect to <br />such correction. Where appropriate, under such circumstances, correction may occur in a <br />scheduled upgrade to the Deliverable. <br />Notification by Customer <br />Licensor shall provide a soft copy of a form, the Software Error Notification Form <br />("Form"), to the Customer. The Customer shall provide the information requested on the <br />Form and transmit the Form by e-mail or fax to one of the following numbers. <br />E-mail: <br />Fax: (858)586-1798 <br />Receipt of the notification by either method outlined above will trigger the response <br />times required under the previous paragraph. <br />Licensor shall also provide Customer a separate telephone number that will be <br />specifically allocated for customers to address service issues. <br />Service Tel. No. (858) 271-9198 Ext. 3 <br />The Licensor may, from time -to -time, make changes to its notification procedures, forms <br />or numbers. Licensor shall immediately notify Customer, in writing, of any such <br />changes. <br />