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<br />'IR No. 99-0:¡" AA No. 04-01, <br />GPA No. 04-01, and ZOA No. 04-02 <br />February 23, 2004 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />Approval of the proposed amendments to the Midtown Specific Planas <br />well as the adoption of the proposed One Broadway Plaza SDD would <br />allow for the creation of a new City landmark through the <br />construction of an office building with the height, scale and quality <br />to serve as a central focal point of the Downtown area. <br /> <br />Additionally, the proposal would allow for Class A office space in a <br />'configuration suitable for major tenants in the immediate vicinity of <br />the Civic Center area of the City. Further, the demand for <br />amenities, such as restaurants, public gathering areas and <br />entertainment activities, would create additional employment and <br />revitalization opportunities in the central City. With the approval <br />of the Midtown Specific plan amendment, the proposed project would be <br />'consistent with applicable zoning requirements. <br /> <br />The One Broadway Plaza development project will enhance and provide a <br />.ositive reinforcement of the City's image around the Midtown area <br />through the development of a Class A office tower and associated <br />amenities. Additionally, the project will be of direct benefit to the <br />community by providing additional employment opportunities in the City. <br />The project will be c~msistent with the goals and policies of the <br />'General plan as amended by promoting a balance of land uses to address <br />basic community needs, enhancing the City's economic and fiscal <br />'environment, and enhancing development districts whose unique community <br />assets bolster overall community vitality. As a result, staff <br />recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council <br />certify Final Environmental Impact Report No. 99-01 and approve a <br />resolution adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations and the <br />Mitigation Monitoring Program. Additionally, staff recommends that the <br />'City Council adopt an ordinance approving Amendment Application No. <br />2004-01 and Specific Development No. 75, adopt a resolution approving <br />General plan Amendment No. 2004-01 and adopt an ordinance approving <br />Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 2004-02. <br /> <br />~,;;.. fi>2. <br /> <br />. Vince Fregoso, AICP <br />eenior Planner <br /> <br />VF\VC:JM <br />vf\reports \.ir99 -Ol&ae&gpaD< -Ol&zooO'- 0>, pc <br /> <br />~'- <br />Verny Carvajal <br />Associate Planner <br /> <br />758-11 <br />