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<br />leave Tenth Street closed, the street should be abandoned so that the school can <br />use it for much needed open space. This should be done regardless of whether the <br />project is approved or rejected. <br /> <br />At a meeting with OCHSA parents on June 15, 2004, Mike Harrah, the developer <br />of the project, stated that student safety has always been a high priority. Mr. <br />Harrah acknowledged that he believes that opening Tenth Street is not essential to <br />his project. He stated that leaving Tenth Street closed could be done. After <br />listening to all of the parent's concerns that opening Tenth Street would create a <br />dangerous situation for OCHSA students. Mr. Harrah promised to contact the City <br />immediately and request the abandonment of Tenth Street to OCSHA, rather than <br />reopening Tenth Street as part ofthe project. I am writing to request that you <br />support this request and make the abandonment of Tenth Street to OCHSA a staff <br />priority and a required part of the project. <br /> <br />I understand that this is late in the approval process; however, OCSHA parents <br />were not made fully aware of the details of this project until this meeting on June <br />IS-two days before school is over for the year. Even if you have to postpone a <br />decision on this project to re-evaluate the impact of the abandonment of Tenth <br />Street, a slight delay is insignificant in comparison to protecting the child or <br />children who are likely to be injured or killed if Tenth Street is reopened. I want to <br />remind you that no amount of money is worth risking the life of a single child. <br />Further, as an elected public servant, your first duty is to the people of the City, <br />especially to the children. Economic considerations must come after safety. <br /> <br />Please support the developer's request for abandonment of Tenth Street and keep <br />our children safe. Please ensure that his letter is forwarded to the persons within <br />the City necessary to address this issue. <br /> <br />Very truly yours, <br /> <br /> <br />c5d ¥¿;=~~ <br /> <br />Signature <br /> <br />The parent/parents of an OCHSA student. - ~ <br />. C 0:<.zml tj¿' 8>-pIY7OLC,-",) <br /> <br />75E-82 <br />