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DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT FEES The Mayor opened the public he aring on <br /> the proposed revision to the Drainage <br /> Assessment Fees Schedule of the Public <br />Services and Facilities Element of the General l~lan. <br /> <br />There were no proponents or opponents. The Clerk reported no written communi- <br />cations had been received, and the Mayor closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NS-1116 AMENDING SANTA ANA MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 34-193 <br />RELATING TO LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA FEE SCHEDULE was passed to second <br />reading on motion of Councilman Herrin, seconded by Councilman Patterson, and <br />carried on the following roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES: Herrin, Patterson, Villa, Evans, Griset, Yamamoto; Markel <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />APPEAL #298 The Mayor opened the public hearing on <br />VA 72-16 Appeal #298 filed by Interstate Brands <br />INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATION Corporation appealing the Planning <br /> Commission's denial of VA 72-16 to <br />construct one rotating pole sign and two roof signs for on-premise advertising <br />in the C M District at 2430 S. 1V[ain Street. <br /> <br />The Director of Planning stated that the building involved has a very thick roof <br />which the applicant indicates is a canopy; that there is no definition of canopy <br />in the Code; that Staff and the Planning Commission have agreed that this 6' <br />projection is actually a hard top roof; that the applicant has the choice of one pole <br />sign or one roof sign on the property; that Staff is willing to accept the letters on <br />the canopy as the roof sign, and the pole sign is well within the limitations of <br />height and area; but that both signs would be in vidlation of the Code. <br /> <br />Mr. Bob Tichenor, 19021 Chadbourne Lane, Santa Ana, representing the owner, <br />stated that the building is presently under construction; that this will be a retail <br />bread store; that there will be a revolving pole sign and canopy lettering; and he <br />submitted a picture of the building. He further stated that the canopy is part of <br />the basic building design and is very necessary in preventing the bakery products <br />from getting too much sun; that it does not protrude over the public area, but <br />extends 6' out over the building; that the revolving pole sign will be a~proximately <br />100 square feet, and the lettering on the canopy 140 square feet; that the total <br />combined area is well within the sign ordinance limits; ~nd they would like to <br />have the Council's approval. <br /> <br />Mr. Earl Malotte, Architect, 2051 E. Cerritos Avenue, Anaheim, stated that <br />the lettering on the canopy is an integral part of the building; that be had titled <br />to design a sign that was unobtrusive; that the ordinance would allow a wall sign, <br />which they could make twice as big without a variance~ and they felt this should <br />be taken into consideration in making the judgment. <br /> <br />There were no opponents in this matter. The Clerk reported no written <br />communications had been received, and the Mayor closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilman Patterson, the Planning Director <br />stated that the applicant was allowed one sign by the Planning Commission, but <br />not both. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />-144- April 3, 1972 <br /> <br /> <br />