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MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />June 28, 1973 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 4:10 P.M., in <br />Room 831, City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza. The following <br />Councilmen were present: J. Ogden Markel, John Garthe, Harry <br />K. Yamamoto, James E. Ward, Lorin Griset and Mayor Jerry M. <br />Patterson, Councilman Vernon S. Evans was absent. Also present <br />were City Manager Bruce C. Spragg, City Attorney James A. <br />Withers, Police Chief Ray Davis, Fire Chief Gene Judd, Assistant <br />Director of Public Works John Stevens, Finance Director Larry <br />Shaffer, Park Superintendent Bomo Koral, Recreation Superintendent <br />Gene Laumeister and Clerk of the Council Florence Malone. Press <br />representatives were also in attendance. The Clerk reported that <br />Notice of the meeting had been posted and mailed with affidavit <br />on file. <br /> <br />PUBLIC RELATIONS Mr. Richard Weatherington, <br />SANTA ANA NEWSLETTER Publisher, Central County <br />1973-74 BUDGET Gazette/Orange City News, <br /> submitted an oral and <br />written proposal for an alternative format to the Santa Ana <br />Newsletter. He suggested that the City buy four standard pages <br />of the Gazette to use as its public relations vehicle which would <br />provide four times the space of the present Newsletter; that <br />60,000 circulation delivery would be guaranteed, representing all <br />single family residences, apartments and businesses; that <br />delivery would be twelve times per year as opposed to the ten times <br />~er year presently planned; and that the total cost would be <br /> 40,320 compared to the $52,000 proposed budget for continuation <br />of the present mailing method. <br /> <br />Councilman Yamamoto stated that the proposal had merit. Mayor <br />Patterson acknowledged the monetary saving but expressed concern <br />over the possibility of diminishing the City's identity. Council- <br />man Griset suggested a two or three months' trial run. Councilman <br />Ward expressed his opinion that newspapers receive more reader <br />attention than bulletins that resemble advertisements. <br /> <br />The proposal was referred to staff for report and recommendation <br />to Council on the unanimously approved motion of Councilman <br />Yamamoto, seconded by Councilman Ward. (CA 152.4) <br /> <br />BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS A "Summary of Survey <br />SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES Information of Salaries <br /> and Allowances Paid to <br /> Members of City Council, <br />Boards and Commissions", dated June 22, 1973, was distributed <br />to Council by the City Manager in response to Council request at <br />its meeting of June 21. (CA 80.9) <br /> <br />1973-74 PROPOSED <br />BUDGET <br /> <br />1973-74, <br /> <br />commencing with page 30. <br /> <br />Council continued its <br />review on a page-by-page <br />basis of the proposed <br />Budget for fiscal year <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 237 JUNE 28, 1973 <br /> <br /> <br />