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<br />PAGE
<br />FAX No. : 7149531461 :C:. 15 20Ø3 12:2Ø.PM P2
<br />
<br />132
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<br />;\fidud Br;mdrl!;m A:;ð(Cjiltt~
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<br />b~\'lItC/\,'(N'I~1 ~;r¡l.l':J::; . ~'(AN'<~.'JI: .
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<br />,..-/'
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<br />,'IlIlm~'l.llf.:;tlc)fì.ll::ì ,iW.'''I;E~~'NI'
<br />
<br />~Cttn1ber J 6. 2003
<br />
<br />Mr. ~) Hntt
<br />City of S~ AM PJannù,g and nUilrlin~ AMt!ncy
<br />20 Civic Centor PIDZ!I
<br />SAiHa ^II~ CA 4J2702
<br />
<br />SUB.)!:(.. 'T:
<br />
<br />A .~..øpoqJ fw If C£QA-IoY., Arçblu;uJo::'C¡aJ $1IJ't'I)' fur t~e PACricia Luc
<br />~Arlc ProJen lu tile e'f, VfSIt.tA Ana, CJ\
<br />
<br />Dear MI. HðIt:
<br />
<br />MiChu1 B,.D,i,\((!~\ As..socfl~ (M!lA) i:\ ptc4U;(H co prflvídO )'l'U this sco~ orwórk and ~
<br />Ulitlmcte to ~~llWua a CEQAA.vel ~1.Itc,lr41 n:sourc~ a.il'¡"'¡¡liIUimt (nø~tJv('l docllU1lfiollJ tOr a P4rJc
<br />project ,~ ¡) t~ Ciiy ofSøma A,,~. California. UruJar rhi$ $Co~. MBA will review tho
<br />r~ ~\ pc'lWiOUiJy ~duc(cd tnrtho City nnd oonduct a field 5Urv~ for 0110 p¡uœr
<br />toW~ J ~rc folJowiag CfiQA. SHl'(J And City prottlCnl¡;.
<br />
<br />8coPfJ at Work
<br />
<br />Cult....., ~lIfUU:'Ç" AU&1UlMot
<br />TW tltud)' rcqulrls~ IS ~C~dd chc:cl: cmd l1\ihJ Survey ofthl! tmtire Rtudy Arca. MOA wit! rovic\.lr
<br />thl> nlCord$ 'fI.:an;h. CX1nOC~ fH:k! cWo! Md prr:par~ ~ writtcu rCl'l'rt (T1I~t J). 'ñc rCl'lOrt ~hi(11
<br />concos( of un ðvt1U¡~n o1'an)" tlllTdnd ~:iourceli found in thç :ltud,)' ¿trn. Ap!)((,pri.uo uúûgaLioL1.
<br />n~UJ'CS will bo devOloped 8J Ð JY.ftt oftl'lis T ast
<br />
<br />'If cultuœ t~~ .i!:! ate- fo~rrd Within t118 pr~ìcCJ fU't)~. AUld it' .C)latt:-leveJ re~'l'd&d1.ln
<br />(DPR523 form ~'t) of Ruch .IRes ~ rcqu\rikl, you will be: cOl1ra,or~. I8nd it soparalQ ~'Pf sJlètll be
<br />¡'9ucd, Cur rcœr~io.} Dnhv individuat sites. ThiN ~t¡,;p. if neces!.luy, will r~l!lt in . r~viJõìOf} )f
<br />tho COntr~-fOt ncçative dutltJrdivn J't:pon Imo 4/)~.~ìtlvt! uøcIJaration rl;!~ìt.
<br />
<br />Sched&1t8
<br />
<br />The cultllrlS.Í. re~n a~~ \11m ~ \:olnp(crcd and ¡lIhJt1I11èd to the City On 01' befölV
<br />J.....,y 9, 2004. IIIHA ..-. 1b.1 tho ,...,,'" ,.- i. rurmn'inn will bo p'ov;.Jcd Iu M~ Þy
<br />Occ~mb8' II, ¡C~n.
<br />
<br />llO (omillal'f(.C, ~Jih' lUll, h"\lÍl('. (;,\ 'HfÏ02 7 t4 SI)I( 4100
<br />IlIhI1l11Iiì,ll\¡\,;~ Iby IIr,~;
<br />411)1) f(j(,'Ll:!'); '¡.1.:~.'1.N.2ì.{ \
<br />Df,\fl 1'''¡I<i~nOl:n:/II.t.~"
<br />
<br />"-bn¡1IImM t."",
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<br />ant- ~ vIL: IJN XtlJ
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<br />~~.DI~PS9~ vewpue~a ID~~~I~; w~~
<br />
<br />EXHrSfr
<br />
<br />!J.
<br />
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<br />
<br />