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I <br />FROM : JOYCE COVERT FAX NO. : 7317368 Mau. 28 20=14 11.. - <br />�]Sg provides suitable school clothing (including uniforms and shoes), a greasing kit, and <br />backpaak' of school supplies tc needy school children in grades K -5 in the SAUSD. our goal i* <br />b remove f barriers to effective learning by of assistance to students from low - income <br />families wbo attend grades K,5 in the SAUSD. Our o 'ective is to serve 1,600 children ir. <br />2004 -2005, <br />OSB provides one uniform - irs fssoc and polo shirt. In sweatshirt, w'andone pair child <br />tennis <br />pairs of underwear, three pairs of socks, one crew neck sweatshirt, <br />shoes. Modjeaka, one of our NL.SA auxiliaries, provides each child with a new backpack filled <br />ro%ndes <; <br />and shoe <br />with school supplies and a new paperback book ASSISd too ®, our teen auxi nary, p <br />grooming kit that includes a comb, oap, toe the clothing to district-mandated uniform, a e <br />cost us approximately $35 pe* <br />cost in about are per akiild; again, we get some items <br />cannot get these items donated. Other clothing items are a combination of donated goods er.` <br />purchased goods. The school <br />donated, and we Purchase sonic items. <br />then income data on the family because the school distn'' <br />The. children are identified, selected and referred by the school nurses in the SAUS <br />Therefore, ALSA does not hav- to ga <br />has already done this. The clridren and their parents are invited to come to the ALSA' <br />ac: <br />where they are outfitted by OSB volunteers /members. We can serve 25-30 children a day. <br />have three ALSA members to Staff lun from 10 AM to 3 PM approximately 10 days per <br />We try, to have enough clothing on hand to accommodate the variety Of sizes, styles ant' <br />preferences of the individual students being served. We want to have options available of the <br />children have the feeling of making personal choices in the selection of some clothing, color •7' mark tse <br />backpacks and other items. he want to avoid an"institutional tstigthat socoiated with the <br />children as 'charity cases,' "1 he c_vldren are very <br />family's poverty. <br />Tasks /Actions: <br />a On an ongoing basis, OSB volunteers acquire clothing and other items, see' + <br />merchandise and stock the shelves. <br />b. Records are kept regarding the schedule of appoint"nents, the number of <br />served overall and the number of children served by CDBG funds. 0SB i <br />C. Each month, the schedule is set as to when OSS will be open. i <br />Once h schedule <br />approximately specific to work. This task <br />sdoneby B <br />Elizabeth Cohen, the vol�,r,; -e~ <br />assigned <br />in charge of the OSB calendar. <br />d. On an ongoing basis, all of tiro elementary school <br />generate aretanforneddabo),l e <br />generate refexrals to OSB_ As needed, �l 7;� <br />process for screening families and making referrals, We also ad'.se the. <br />when OSB supplies are depleted. <br />C. On the days that OSf3 is open, 3 -4 volunteers assist 25 -30 students sn °. <br />parents as they "shop* for school supplies- <br />al <br />On an ongoing basis, volunteers seek additional donations of clothing a::❑ s "" <br />supplies from the community. <br />