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CITY OF SANA ANA <br />COMINIUNITY DEVELOPNIENT BLOCK GRANT <br />Scope of Work <br />Annual Accomplishment Goal <br />'Total number of clients anticipated to he served during the I2 -month contract period= <br />55 PERSONS <br />II. Total number of unduplicated Scuta Ana residents to be served with grant funds during the 12 - <br />month contract period = _ 5� PERSONS <br />III. Description of Work - in space below, describe the program to be funded during the I2 -month <br />contract period including. services to be provided, program goals, client characteristics, & how <br />grant funds will be utilized. <br />Program Goal: <br />To assist students from low/moderate income families in Santa Ana to complete high school, enroll in <br />college and continue preparation for a profession that fulfills their potential. <br />Primary Objectives: <br />(A) To recruit 55 high school seniors in the ten month program which begins in September and ends <br />in June after high school graduation. <br />a. Task/Action <br />i. Interview interested juniors and seniors from March -August 2004 <br />ii. Get recommendations from teachers, counselors, etc. <br />(B) To recruit and train 55 professional men and women to serve as mentors to the students. <br />a. Task/Action <br />I. Make recruitment presentations to local businesses <br />ii. Send letters to all service clubs, Hispanic Chamber and Chamber of Commerce <br />in Santa Ana <br />iii. Send letters to existing mentors <br />iv. Conduct mandatory mentor training sessions from March — October 2004 <br />v. Conduct background checks on all mentors through SAUSD Police Services <br />vi. Review resumes and match mentors with students in June -August 2004 <br />(C) To hold 10 monthly dinner meetings (Mentor Nights) for students and mentors to educate <br />students concerning career and training opportunities, and to encourage networking between <br />various students and mentors. At least one of these meeting will be held at a local college or <br />university. (10 meetings X 3 hours X 55 students = 1650 hours). <br />a. Task/Action <br />i. Establish schedule of programs and trips <br />ii. Recruit presenters from various professions <br />iii. Prepare discussion and handout materials for each meeting <br />1. Resumes, filling out applications, interviewing, etc. <br />iv. Choose meeting sites and plan menus <br />(D) To Provide 200 hours of additional career/college guidance and enrichment activities at each of <br />the high schools for the students in the program (50 hours each quarter equaling a total of 200 <br />hours of assistance). <br />a. Task/Action <br />i. Identify one certified teacher/advisor at each of the schools to coordinate <br />program <br />ii. Arrange for additional career/educational guidance on and off campus <br />Ill. Advisor sets appointment time with 20 students and plans group activities <br />