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2. <br />Northrop Grumman Public Safety Inc. Proprietary <br />Contains Trade Secrets and Information which is <br />Commercial or Financial, and Privileged or Confidential <br />NORTHROP GRUMMAN PUBLIC SAFETY, INC., SOFTWARE <br />MAINTENANCE SUB -AGREEMENT <br />- EXHIBIT B - <br />SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED <br />Basic software service shall be provided five (5) days per week from 5:30 a.m. through <br />5:30 p.m. Pacific Time, excluding PSI holidays. Northrop Grumman is also providing <br />emergency support for critical problems with its application software 24 hours a day, 7 <br />days a week through Emergency Contact Service (ECS). <br />If a critical problem occurs outside of the normal hours stated above, and the customer's <br />System Manager is unable to solve the problem with the tools and/or training provided by <br />Northrop Grumman, the customer can call ECS. The customer is referred to the ECS <br />number when he/she calls the normal Northrop Grumman 800 line after hours. <br />PSI reserves the right to bill the customer for ECS calls that are a result of an act or <br />omission on the part of the customer, or calls that are made that are not critical. The <br />current rate for this type of service is $1,140 per call for the first four (4) hours of work, <br />with each additional hour being billed at $285 per hour. The determination of whether or <br />not an after-hours call is billable will be made solely by PSI. <br />ON DEMAND MAINTENANCE SERVICES - ODMS <br />ODMS is defined as forty (40) contiguous hours of PSI Programmer services on -site for <br />the "PSI installed system" (System). Services to be performed by the PSI Programmer <br />are at the discretion of the Customer. It is advisable to transmit to PSI, prior to the PSI <br />Programmer arriving on site, a list of work descriptions desired by the Customer. The <br />ODMS to be performed by the PSI Programmer will be on a "best effort" basis. If the <br />work is not complete or task finished by the PSI Programmer at the end of forty (40) <br />hours, the Customer has the option to contract for additional ODMS or have PSI <br />complete the work on a "time and materials" (T&M) basis. The additional ODMS of <br />T&M work will have to be mutually agreed to and scheduled. ODMS work completed <br />by PSI will then be transferred and maintained under the Master Maintenance Agreement. <br />The current rate for ODMS work is $8,900 for a forty (40) hour block. This rate is <br />subject to a maximum increase of five percent (5%) per year effective the start of the <br />second year of the PSI Maintenance Agreement. PSI will provide Customer with the <br />applicable revised ODMS rate upon request. Customer has the option not to have the PSI <br />Programmer on site, but to perform the work via remote dial -in. If Customer chooses this <br />option, the price for ODMS does not change. <br />On Demand Maintenance Service (circle one) YES NO <br />Number of On Demand Maintenance service trips <br />Document Prepared 03/16/04 SMK0304.doc <br />Page 7 <br />