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<br />.04/070005 08:46 <br />Marsh <br /> <br />7145714209 <br /> <br />PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> <br />PAGE 07 <br />Page 2 of5 <br /> <br />NCLU OED <br /> <br />EACH EMPLOYEE <br /> <br />The Memorandum of Insura,," serves solely to Ii,t Insurance polldes, limits and date. of coverage. Any <br />modUlc.tions ~treto .~ not authorized. <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE <br /> <br />I DATE <br />01-Apr-~005 <br /> <br />This Memorandum Is issued as a matter of InformatiOn only to authorized viewers for their Intemal use only and <br />confers no rights upon any viewer of this Memorandum. This Memorandum does not amend, extend Dr .Iter the <br />COverage descrlbed below. This Memorandum may only be copied, printed and distributed within an authorized <br />viewer and may only be used and viewed by an authorized viewer for Its h'lternal use. Any other use, duplication or <br />distribution of this Memorandum without t~e consent of Marsh Is pro~lbited. "Authorized viewer" shall mean an <br />entity Dr person which IS authorized by the insured named herein to acce.. this Memorandum via <br /> The Information contained herein is as of the date referred to above. <br />Marsh shall be under no obligation to update such information. <br /> <br />PRODUCER INSURED <br />Marsh USA Inc. Nextei Communications, Inc. and its subsldiarie!: <br />("Marsh") 2001 Edmund Halley Drive <br />Reston, Virgin III 20191 <br />United States. . ~ _~ _~ _ _ <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br />T~e General Liabilily Is subject to the following proviSIOns: <br /> <br />~2W- <br /> <br />La.u~a Stitt Sheedy <br />ADDITIO~AL INSURfO - LESSOR OF LEASED EQUIPMENT "'"iSlO C .AI <br />WHO 15 AN INSURED (SECTION II) - is amended to Include as an insured any le..or I.Vlea~~d" e\l8rP'tf,'i:nt for whom <br />Insured has agreed to provide coverage per written contract, but only with respect to Ihelr liability arlslng out of tile <br />maintenance, operation or use by you of the equipment leased to you by SUCh person or organization, subject to the <br />following exclusions: <br />This insuriJnce does not apply: <br />1. To any "occurrence" whiCh takes place after the equipment lease expires; <br />2. To "bodily Injury" or "prop"rty dam~ge" arl.sing out of the sole negligence of the person or organization shown in <br />the Schedule, <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED - Vl;IIIDORS <br /> <br />WHO IS AN INSURED (SECTION II) is amended to Include as an Insured any vendor for w~om the Insured has <br />agreed to provide coverage per wruten contract, but only with respect to "bodily Injury" or "property damage- <br />arising out of the insured products which are distributed Dr sold in the regular course of the vendor'. business, <br />subject to the following additional exclusions: <br />1. The Insurance afforded the vendor does not apply to; <br />a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which the vendor Is obligated to pay damages by reason of the <br />assumption of liability in a cont,rili(t or l!IQreement. this exclusion does not apply to liability for dllmi!ges that the <br />vendor would have In the absence of the contra.ct or agreement; <br />b. Any eXJ;Jl"ess werranty unauthorized by you; <br />Co Any physical or chemical change in the produ<t m~d.. Intentionally by the vendor; <br />d. R.epaci<aging, unleBS unpo<ked $olely fat t~e purpose of in.pection, demonstration, tesllng, Dr the substitution of <br />parts undl:!r instruction$ frem the manufacturer. and then repackaged in the original container; <br />e, Anyfoilure to make such Inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing .s the vendor has agreed 10 milke Dr <br />normally undertakes to make in the usual oour~ of bLl$fneSS, il'l connec;tlon wtth the distribution or sale of the <br />products; <br />f. Demonstration, lnstalfatient serv~clnQ Dr repair operations, except such operatiam; performed at the vendor's <br />premls~~ in connection with the sale of the product; <br />g. Products. which, after distrIbutIon Or sale by you, have be~n !i1ibeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or <br />Ingredient of .any other thIng 01" substance by or fQr th4; vendor. <br />2. ThiS Insurance does not apply ~o ~r'\y Insured person or organization, from whom you have ilIcQufred such <br />prodvcts Ingredient, part Or container, entering into. accompanying or containing such produet~. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED - STATE OR. POUTICAL SUBDIVISIONS - peRMITS <br /> <br />http://www.marBh.comIMarshPortallPortaIMain?PlD~AppMoiPubli\O&accePtOrReiect=acc1:'... 4fl/2005 <br />