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<br />04/07/2005 09:46 <br />Marsh <br /> <br />7145714209 <br /> <br />PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> <br />PAGE 06 <br />l?agl;' lofS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE DATE <br /> 01-Apr-200S <br />This Memorandum Is issued ~$ a m~tter of infDrmatlgn only to authoriz.ed viewers for their internal use only and <br />t:onf~~ FlO rights uj)on any viewer of this Memorandum. l11is Memorandum does not amend, extend or alter the <br />coverage described below. This Memorandum may only be copied, printed and distributed within an authorized <br />viewer and may only be used and viewed by an authorized viewer for Its Internal use. Any other U'", duplication or <br />distribution of this Memorandu", without the consent of Marsh Is prohibited. 'Authorized viewer" sh.1I mean an <br />entity or person wht,h 15 authoriz.ed by the insured named herein to itccess this Memorandum via <br />hnp://www.m.rsh.comfmoi?client=3424. The information eontained herein Is as of the date referred to above. <br />M.rsh shall be under no obligation to update such InformatiOn. <br />PRODUCER COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGe <br />Marsh USA Inc. <br />("Marsh") Co.A. Zurich American Insurance Company <br />INSURED Co.B National Union Fire Insurance Compony (AIG) <br />N~xtel Communlcotions, Inc. and its subsldlorles Co.C Steadfast Insurance Company <br />2001 Edmund Halley Drive <br />Reston, Virginia 20191 Co.D <br />United States <br />.OVI RAGeS <br /> HE ~OUCIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE 8eEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR T1-1E <br /> POLICY ~ERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY <br /> ~ONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WIT1-1 RESPECT TO WHICH THIS MEMORANDUM MAY BE IssueD OR MAY <br /> peRTAIN, THE INSURANce AFFORDEO BY HiE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJEl;T TO ALL THE TERMS, <br /> EXCLUSIONS AND CONDmONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID <br /> <-LAIMS. <br />CO TYPE OF POLICY NUMBeR POLICY POLICY LIMITS <br />LTR INSURANce EFFECTIVE EXP~?TION LIMITS IN USD UNLESS <br /> DATE ATE OTHERWISE INDICATED <br />C ~ENERAL IGLO 2984461-02 01-Apr-200S O~;Apr-2006 GENERAL USD 2,000,000 <br />C LIABILITY GLO 2984462-02 01-Apr-2005 Oi-Apr-2006 AG~REGATE <br /> COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS - USD 2,000,000 <br /> ~ENERAL LIABilITY DASTOF lRM "'OMP/OP AGG <br /> PCCURRENCE APPROVI PERSONAL AND USD 1,000,000 <br /> J ~(;6J /1 ~ DV INJURY <br /> EACH USD 1,000,000 <br /> /1 OCCURRENCE <br /> i/ r;au a stitt SlI"edy FIRE DAMAGE USD 250,000 <br /> Assist nt City Attorn"' ANY ONF FIRE) <br /> MEt! EXP (A~i USD 10,000 <br /> DNE PERSON <br />A AUTOMOBILE BA~ 2984147-04 01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2006 ~OMBINEO USD 2,000,000 <br />A LIABILITY All Stotes) 0).-Apr-:l.005 01-Apr-2006 SINGLE LIMIT <br />A ANY AUTO MA 2984148-04 o1-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2006 BODILY INNRY <br /> Garogekeepers (MA) PER PERsO-Nl <br /> Liability !rAP 2984149-04 BODILY INJURY <br /> (TX) PER ACCIDENT) <br /> PROPERTY <br /> DAMAGe <br />B excess !lE2979B60 01-Apr-200S 01-Apr-2005 EACH USD 4,000,000 <br /> UABILlTY OCCURRENCE <br /> GGR.5GATE USD 4 000 000 <br /> l\l~RAGE ,UTO ONLY (PER <br /> ~IABIl1TY CCIDENTl <br /> OTHER mAN AUT ONLY: <br /> EACH ACCIDEN <br /> AGGREGATE <br />A WORKERS WC 2984145-04 01-Apr,2005 01-Apr-2006 WORKERS COMP Statutory <br />A CQMPENSAnON I (All states) 01-Apr-2005 Ol-Apr-2006 LIMITS <br /> EMPLOYERS We 2984144-04 EL EACH USD 1,000,000 <br /> .IABILITY WI) !ACCIDENT <br /> HE PROPRIETOR / EL DISEASE - USD 1,000,000 <br /> ~ARTNERS f <br /> EXECUTIVE POLICY LIMIT <br /> OFFICERS ARE: iEL DISEASE - USD 1,000,000 <br /> <br />http://www.mll1"sh.comIMarshl.ortal/PortaIMain?l?ID=AppMoiPublic&acceptOrReiect~acce... 4/112005 <br />