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<br />,04/07/2005 ~9:45 <br />Marsh <br /> <br />7145714209 <br /> <br />PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> <br />PAGE 09 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />additional insured(s) at the site of the covered operatiaM has been completed; or <br /> <br />(0) That portion of "your work" aut of which the injury or damage arise. has been put to its intended USe by any <br />per:50n or organi:zatlon other than another contractor or subc:.:;mtraetor engaged In performIng operiltlons for a <br />principal as a part of the project. <br /> <br />(2) "Bodily Injury" or 'Praperty Damage" out of any act or omission of the additional insured(s) or any of <br />their employees, other than the general supervision of work performed far the additianaIIMured(s) by you. <br /> <br />(J)"Property bamage" to: <br /> <br />(a) Property Owned. Used or Occupied by or rented to the additional insured(.) <br /> <br />(b) Property In the, custody or control of the addition. I in.ured(s) or property far WhiCh the .dditlonal insured <br />(.) is far any purpose exer.,;<ing physical control; or <br /> <br />(c) "Your Work" far the addition. I inSUred(s). <br /> <br />C. Any coverage provided hereunder shall be excess over any Qther valid and conectibl~ insurance availClble to the <br />additional insured(s:) whether primaryr e)(e~$5, C::Ql1tlngent Dr i1ny other basis unless a contract Specifically requires <br />th.t this Insurance be primary, or you request that it apply an a primary baSIS. <br /> <br />3.J:'t'ROYelJ AS TO FORM <br /> <br />~V/S <br /> <br />'.aura Stilt Sheedy <br />BLANKET WAIV~R. OF SUBROGATION """"~"t City AtlOrncv <br />If the Insured Is required by Wtltten c;:gntract or agreement, whicl1ls executed prior to a loss, to waive right$ of <br />re~Dvery from oth~rs, the insurer agrees to waiv1! rights of recovery. This waivQr of rlgh~ shillll not: be construed to <br />be a waiver with respact to any other operations in whleh ~hl!!: InG~red has nQ contractual interest. <br /> <br />The Automobile Liability is subject to the follOWing provisions; <br /> <br />AoomONAL II\ISURED STAruS UNDER. THE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY POLICY: <br /> <br />The "Who is an Insured" sectIon is amenc!4d to indude as an insured any person or organization for whom you have <br />agreed under contl"act or ~9reE:iflent to provide insurance. However, the Insurance provided shall not I!!!xc:eed the <br />seep. of cOVel'llge and or limits afthis policy. Notwithstanding the foregOing sentence in no ev.nt shali the <br /> provided exceed the scope of coverage .nd or limits required by said contract or agreement. <br /> <br />IlLAI\IKET WAIV~R OF 5UBR.OGRATION UNDE~ THE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY <br /> <br />The Insurer waives any rlght of recovery they may have ag~inst any person or Organi,atlan where required by <br />written contract or agreement beC:8U$1t of a payment the Insurer makes for injury or damage caused by an <br />"aCCident" or "lOSS" resuJ~i"9 from the ownership, m"lntenance, Of use of a covered "auto" for which i!I waiver of <br />sUbrog.tiQn Is required in conjunction with work performed by you far the deslgn.ted persQn or organi..tion. Said <br />Waiver must be executed prior to a Joss. <br /> <br />The Warke,,' Compens.tion & Employer's Liability is ,ubJect to the fallowing provisions: <br /> <br />BlANKET WANER OF SUBROGA nON <br /> <br />If the Insured is required by wr1tten ~ontr,;;lct or agreement, which is executed prior to a 105S, to waive rights of <br />recovery from others, tn~ Insuret agrees to waive its rights of reCOVQry. This agrQQment applies only to the ~ent <br />that the Insured pl!rl'Orms work under a written contract that reqUires the Insured to obtain this agreement from the <br />Insurer, ThiS agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benent ~nyone with which tM Insured has no <br />cantraduollnterest, <br /> <br />http://www.marsh.cQm!MarshPorta1lPortalMain?PID-AppMoiPublic&aeeeotOrReiect=aece... 4/11200'\ <br />