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75B - 617 E. 17TH ST.
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
75B - 617 E. 17TH ST.
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 4:59:28 PM
Creation date
1/11/2005 4:43:46 PM
City Clerk
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<br />Variance No. 2004-12 <br />October 25, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />measure 14-inches in diameter at the base and 6.5-inches at the top. It <br />will be located near the existing carwash building, at the end of an <br />existing landscaped planter that will be modified to accommodate the <br />flagpole (Exhibit 4). <br /> <br />Analysis of the Issues <br /> <br />The applicant intends to construct a 100-foot tall flagpole that will <br />display the American flag and will be a prominent and significant <br />geographic feature. As a result of the property being lower in elevation <br />than the Santa Ana Freeway, the applicant wants the 100-foot tall flagpole <br />to be identified with his business and serve as a guide to locating it. <br /> <br />Staff researched similar structures and performed a height survey of the <br />most prominent structures in the surrounding area. The subject property <br />has an existing 35-foot tall freestanding sign that was approved in 1995. <br />The freeway overpass immediately to the west of the property measures <br />approximately 35-feet above street level. Guaranty Chevrolet, to the <br />east, has an existing 50-foot tall freestanding sign. The Santa Ana Water <br />Tower, which is designated as a historic landmark, is located at 517 East <br />Fourteenth Street and measures 130-feet above street level. It is located <br />southwest of the subject property, on the opposite side of the Santa Ana <br />Freeway (Exhibits 5 through 7) . <br /> <br />Additionally, a height survey of several existing flagpoles within the <br />City was also performed. The most recently approved flagpoles range in <br />height from 20-feet to 35-feet. This includes a 25-foot tall flagpole <br />located at the Orange County Register and three 35-foot tall flagpoles <br />located on maj or arterial streets. The tallest flagpoles surveyed were <br />located at the Ronald Reagan Federal Building and Courthouse, in the <br />City's downtown, which has two flagpoles approximately 50-feet tall and a <br />65-foot tall flagpole located at 3600 South Bristol Street, which was <br />permitted in 1974. <br /> <br />Staff has identified four concerns with the proposal that have resulted in <br />recommending denial of the variance application. First, Section 41- <br />602 (c) (2) of the Santa Ana Municipal Code establishes a height limit of <br />35-feet for structures that are located in the C5 zone and within 140-feet <br />of any property zoned or used for residential purposes. As defined in the <br />municipal code, a structure is "anything constructed or erected which <br />requires permanent location on the ground, or attached to something having <br />permanent location on the ground, including signs and billboards". Given <br /> <br />758-8 <br />
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