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<br />~ec~~O-03 04:10P <br /> <br />P.03 <br /> <br />-'. . <br /> <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHÞ-NGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED. DESIGNATED PERSON OR <br />ORGANIZATION <br /> <br />Thhl endorsement modifies Insurance provicltd under !tie foIlowfng: <br /> <br />BUSINESS UABlLITY COVERAGI! FORM <br /> <br />C, 'MIo i. en Insured In the BUSINESS LIABILITY <br />COVERAGE FORM Is Iilmend8d to '"elude II an <br />Insured I:h8 petSOl, or organization shown in the <br />DtCU1lr¡¡tlons but only with respect to liability arising <br />oul of thfl opel'8tion of the named l/\SIIrø. <br /> <br />For losses co~el'8d undar the BUSINESS UARILlTY <br />COVERAGE of this policy this Insurance Is primlilrily <br />to other valid and collective in8ur.oce which Is <br />available to the parson or orglniz8tian shown in the <br />Declaratlon888 8n Additlanallnsured. <br /> <br />Add"ionallnsur8tl. <br /> <br />City of Santa Ani, ... ofl'lcere. a"lIIat- <br />volunt.G1'8, 8Mploy- and age. <br />20 Civic: Center <br />SIma AnI, CllII2701 <br /> <br />. }'" <br />.' .t".,'~ . ". <br />~t/¥f:~E' <br /> <br />'''' .',' ..,L';.'!' ",- <br /> <br />Form SS 04 "8 OS 93 Printlle in U.S.A. (NS) <br />COpyright, Hartford Fire Insutlnce Com Piny, 1993 <br />