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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 4:57:16 PM
Creation date
3/2/2005 11:21:12 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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<br />4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. <br /> <br />4.1 Amendment and Restatement. This Agreement amends, restates and <br />supersedes the Original Agreement in its entirety. <br /> <br />4.2 Property Subject to the Agreement. Until released pursuant to the <br />provisions of Section 8.6 below, no property shall be released from this Agreement until <br />Property Owner has fully performed its obligations arising out of the Agreement. <br /> <br />4.3 Effective Date; Duration of Agreement. The "Effective Date" of this <br />Development Agreement shall be the date that the City Council ordinance adopting this <br />Development Agreement becomes effective, which date is thirty (30) days after the City Council <br />meeting at which such ordinance is adopted, unless this Agreement or Ordinance No. NS-2676 <br />(the amendment to SO-59) is the subject of a referendum which has received a prima facie <br />sufficient number of signatures or unless its effective date is stayed by order of a court with <br />jurisdiction. The remaining term of this Agreement shall extend for the same period as specified <br />in the Original Agreement, unless this Agreement is earlier terminated or its term modified by <br />further agreement fully executed by both parties; provided, however, that nothing herein is <br />intended nor shall it be interpreted to extend the period of validity of any approval issued in <br />conjunction with the City's Development Project Plan process or building permit, beyond local <br />requirement. Except as expressly stated herein, paragraph 3 of the Original Agreement shall <br />remain in full force and effect. <br /> <br />(b) Pursuant to Section 66452.6(a) of the California Subdivision Map Act, the <br />term of the Map, including any lot line adjustment or merger oflots (or any other tentative map <br />filed subsequent to the Effective Date of this Agreement), shall not expire during the term of this <br />Development Agreement remains in effect. <br /> <br />(c) Notwithstanding subsections (a) or (b) hereof, if, at the end of the original <br />or any modified term, the Property is in the process of being developed, the term of this <br />Development Agreement shall be further extended until such construction in process is <br />completed, not to exceed an additional three years after expiration of the original or modified <br />term. <br /> <br />(d) The expiration of this Development Agreement shall not terminate any <br />land use approvals approved concurrently with or subsequent to the approval of this <br />Development Agreement, but shall merely end the period as to which such approvals are vested <br />against subsequent changes in applicable law. <br /> <br />(e) Upon the expiration or termination of this Development Agreement for <br />any reason, the City and Owner and its successors and assigns agree to cooperate and execute <br />any document reasonably requested by the other party to remove this Development Agreement <br />from the public records as to the property or any applicable portion thereof. <br /> <br />4.4 Assignment. Owner shall have the right to transfer or assign the Property, <br />in whole or in part, to any person, entity (public or private), partnership, joint venture, firm or <br />corporation at any time during the term ofthis Agreement; provided, however, that except as <br />provided in section 4.4.1 of this Agreement the rights of Owner under this Agreement may not <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />11 0-9 <br />
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